After a successful trip to Hopkinton last week, and 22 miles in the books, its time for a nice easy run through Melrose. We’re going back to Swains Pond, along the Fells, out to Farm St and back Main this week. There are a few hills in there, but it ends with a nice flat Main St stretch. Remember these next few weeks are all recovery runs. My motto is “Don’t do anything stupid” from here until the marathon, so as the miles go by don’t get too ambitious and try to set any records on a taper run!
The Water Stops this week will be at Citizen’s Bank in Malden, the knoll by the Middle School, and Nicks Pizza in Wakefield. I will only run a part of the route, if anything, so I’ll plan on taking the first two stops. If someone will volunteer to be water stop 3 at Nick’s I can pick you up in the morning and leave your car with a box of supplies. Who’s interested?
Ok, who’s in? ROLL CALL!
I’m in for the full.
I’m in for the full.
i’ll do the waterstop at Nick’s. In for the full or maybe 75% of the full.
oops that wasn’t Liz talkin’. that was me.
I’m in for the half.
I’m in for the full and trying not to do anything “stupid”! 😎
I’m in for the full and Derek will do water stop 3 if you need.
I’m in for at least half, maybe to Nicks
I’m in for the full plus 3-4
I’m in for the full. Thanks
I have some water and other drinks if needed
I’ll be there for the half.
I’m in for the half!
Ok, Thanks Lisa!
I’m in for the half.
I’m in for the half!
I’m in, thanks!
I am in for the half!
In for the half!
I’m in for the full. See you in the morning!
In for the full – see you in the morning!
Well I already did something stupid. ran trails on friday and fell on my left shoulder and amost dislocated it. Can’t my shoulder much w/o some pain. How stupid would it be for me to go running tomorrow and add some bounsing to my sore shoulder??? I am thinking about it…
I am going to “attempt” the full…..:) Trying not to do anything stupid…:)
I’m in for 12!
In for half. Thanks,
I am in for the full!