Week 13 – Taper for Boston Roll Call

It’s now taper week for the Boston runners. We have 14.8 planned for them, while some of the rest of us run longer and others run shorter. The weather, last I checked, looked like a decent morning: cool and breezy at the start but high 40s and sunny by the end of the run.

If everyone that has a water stop bucket could drop it by my house today (Saturday) I would appreciate it. I don’t even know who’s holding them by now but I guess BarryC, Sue, and Dave, and Liz. Just plop it on the front step of 110 Linwood Ave.

Who’s in?

22 Responses to “Week 13 – Taper for Boston Roll Call”

  1. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’m in and psyched it’s not going to be raining!

  2. Jim says:

    Oh, I forgot to mention, I’ll take the first Water Stop, Walt will take the second, who wants to park at Nick’s Pizza for the last one, and who wants to pick them up. If you want to run 11+ miles you can end at your car.

  3. Joe Terranova says:

    In for 14.8.

  4. Lauren says:

    I’m in, planning on 18.

  5. Mary Corbett says:

    I’ll run 7 with you.

  6. David Hayes says:

    Hey there – I’m going up to Great Bay. I was wondering about the supplies (from my Facebook comment), but I’m out of time now to get down to Melrose.

  7. Sue Clough says:

    if I get a chance I’ll drop it off tonight, if not, I’ll get up in the am and drop it off at Brueggers. I’m running in Cohasset tomorrow.

  8. Barry C. says:

    I’m in for 16. Jim I’ll drop off the bin on my way to the Holdem Tournament, about 5:00.

  9. David Hayes says:

    Wait a sec – I can drop off tomorrow at Brueggers also. I’m tied to Quarter End (work) the rest of today.

  10. Jim says:

    Ok, I’ll make whatever happens work. I still need someone to help with the Wakefield stop. Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

  11. Lois says:

    Bueller here. I’ll take the water stop. just need to get supplied in the morn. i’m in for the whole route and maybe a few more. i can always finish and run back to my car (yeah, right).

  12. Peter Fopiano says:

    OK, who needs a ride? I’m in for the full distance and I can help get supplies and people to/from the water stops.

  13. Nick Lamberti says:

    I am in something!

  14. Nick Lamberti says:

    I mean in FOR something!!

  15. Nancy says:

    I’ll be there and can pick Lois up at Nick’s pizza. I’ll be there at 7:45 unless I hear otherwise

  16. Ed Torres says:

    I’m in.

  17. Walter Drag says:

    OK Jim,

    Since I have number two ws I presume I am in the park on the right where we had a locked car last time around. I’ll pick up around 740am and arrive running at Bruggers shortly after 805am. Please do not wait for me at Brueggers if I am late. Will have my MRC shirt hanging from the mirror.

    Suspect still a notable cross-head wind on Farm St before sailing with the wind on the last 3 miles down Main.

    Tx Walt

  18. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    I am in for the 14.8M loop.

  19. Jim says:

    Hmm… let’s see. I have half the supplies here, the other half will be delivered to Brueggers at 8AM.

    One bucket will be left out for Walt to take. It’s easiest if I just bring the other bucket out to Nick’s Pizza and pick Lois up in the morning. Then after the start of the run I’ll go to WS 1 and jump in for the rest of the run.

    Peter/Nancy, you can help us get our cars after the run.


  20. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    Jim, Lois- I can also help shuttle people back to Nick’s Pizza post-run.

  21. Walter Drag says:

    Thanks Jim.. I’ll pick up at 745am ish. Walt

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