Week 13 – The S in SLR Stands For Saturday

This week, due to Easter, the SLR will be held on Saturday. Sunday is also April Fools Day… so maybe I’m just tricking you. Either way, show up at Brueggers at 8AM on Saturday and find out.

Also note that on Saturday there is a 3 hour parking limit in downtown Melrose so run fast and avoid the temptation of patronizing Melrose businesses because you have to leave by 11am. Also after you leave don’t come back to downtown Melrose until after 6PM because you could get a ticket even if you parked in the lot for non-consecutive hours.

Last week we had a good showing out on the Boston course with most runners completing all 22 miles in stellar fashion. Check out the Melrose Running Club group on Facebook for some photos from Matt Sazama.

This week March will go out like a lamb as we sneak in one more run before April begins. This is the start of taper time, or as I call it “Don’t do anything stupid” time. As your miles decrease there will be a lot of temptation to do some things with your new found free time. Resist! If you question whether an activity is stupid, pick up your phone and call me, while you’re dialing realize that if its close enough to actually ask then it is indeed stupid the weeks before your marathon. Stick to shorter runs, sitting, and sleeping.

This Week’s Route

Start 1 – We’ll start across Main Street as we’ll turn immediately onto East Foster, run up to Melrose Common and turn right onto 6th Street, which will become Swains Pond Ave. When you get to the ponds you will run up to a stop sign, turn right to stay on Swains Pond Ave. At the end of Swains Pond Ave you’ll turn right on to Lebanon Street and at the first set of lights turn left onto Forest Street. Follow that to the end, cross Main Street in Malden and find a water stop in the parking lot of Citizen’s Bank. Note its Saturday so the bank is open, we might be tucked in with parked cars.

Half Finish – The half runners are keeping it to 7 this week, so they’ll head off with the long runners along Winter Street, straight through a 5-way intersection to Glenwood Street. At the end of Glenwood you’ll turn right on Highland and an immediate right on the Fellsway East. Go through the hills to Grimsby’s, turn right on West Wyoming, left on Main Street and finish up at Brueggers.

Full 2 – The full route will follow the half route along Winter, onto Glenwood, right on Highland and Fellsway East, but continue past Grimsby’s onto the LynnFells. This will bring you over to Melrose High School where there will be a water stop at the knoll.

Full 3 – Continue along the LynnFells Parkway to Saugus, turning left on Main Street in Saugus. Run along Main Street as it becomes Farm Street and turn left at Wakefield High School on to Nahant. Follow this to Main Street and have a drink at the water stop.

Full Finish – Take Main Street back to Melrose. Finish at Brueggers. Bask in the glory of finishing your second to last training long run!

Water Stops – Tom and I will be there, probably Hank too. We got you!

Roll Call – Who’s in?

29 Responses to “Week 13 – The S in SLR Stands For Saturday”

  1. Liz says:

    I’m in for the half plus 2

  2. Ogie Ogilthorpe says:

    Full/trail hybrid

    Sup Jim

  3. Stormy Daniel says:

    In for the full plus a couple šŸ™‚

  4. Diana H says:

    Iā€™m in for the half plus too (Dido to Liz)

  5. Donna Leggiero says:

    Audrey and I are in for the half plus a couple.
    Thank you!

  6. The Taste of Courtney says:

    In for using the full water stops with a traily-blend, hoping not to get fooled by any low branches. Thanks!

  7. Judi Chiavetta says:

    In for the full. Nothing clever to add šŸ™‚

  8. Linda Ford says:

    I am in for the full!

  9. Tara says:

    IFTF! Thanks šŸ™‚

  10. Christina DiCalogero says:

    Jess and I are in for the full. Thank you.

  11. Matt Kerton says:

    In for the full. Thanks JC!

  12. Maryanne Martin says:

    IFTH +2…thanks Jim!

  13. Sarah Waywell Timm says:

    In for the full + some

  14. Sarah Waywell Timm says:

    In for the full plus thanks!!!

  15. Audrey Recupero says:

    In for the full- thank you!

  16. Haecha Donnelly says:

    I’m in for half! Thanks Jim!!

  17. Haecha Donnelly says:

    I’m in for the half! Thanks!

  18. Michael McLaughlin says:

    In for the half plus a few. Thanks

  19. Valerie Smith says:

    In for the full, thank you

  20. Lois says:

    In for some miles, probably the half.

  21. In for the half-10.

  22. Cynthia says:

    In for the full

  23. Mary O'Connell says:

    In for the full. Thank you!!

  24. andy nagelin says:

    IFTF. Thanx Jim

  25. Easter Bunny says:

    I will hop for a full – 2 with my peeps but not footing their bill

  26. Thuy Dang says:

    IFTF plz…thanks!

  27. Rowena Hakkaoui says:


  28. Jose Viveiros says:


  29. Rachel says:

    IFTF + bringing a friend who is IFTH. Thank you!

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