Week 13 – “Just 14.8 Miles”

Yes, we’ve all done it. At some point after we’ve done some distance we become the annoying person who states something like ‘oh, I’m only running 15 miles tomorrow.” Saying this to your non-runner friends, although innocent enough, typically doesn’t earn you any friend points. You might get rolling eyes or sarcastic lip pursing, but you likely won’t be handed a cookie to carbo load.

So, 14.8 miles for the marathon runners (tapah time, doo doo doo doo, doo doo, doo, doo, can’t touch this) and just over 7 miles for the half marathon runners. And, of course, anything in between and beyond.

The course is pretty simple.  Starts with a nice loop around Swain’s Pond, then over the Fellsway to Saugus, Main Street to Farm Street, down sweet ole Nahant Street. Once you get to Main St from Nahant, smooth sailing back to Bruegger’s. CHECK OUT THE MAPS AND KNOW WHERE YOU’RE GOING, PLEASE.

As for water stops… Jason will be there for you at the Citizen’s Bank in Malden and Don will be waiting for you at the Knoll. Since no one else offered to help, you’ll likely see one of them again at Nick’s Pizza. I’m sorry I can’t be with you for the run on Sunday, but I’m sure you’ll be as courteous and grateful to Jason and Don as you have been to me and others. Thank you in advance, Jason and Don.

Oh! I came across an interesting GU flavor that I thought someone might like… Salted Watermelon! Some may cringe, but when you don’t have sliced watermelon on ice waiting for you, it just might be the next best thing. 🙂

So – who is in for another beautiful Sunday long run that, don’t forget this, is getting you ready to tackle your big race. Continue to treat it as a training run. It might feel easy to run shorter than last week, but it’s shorter on purpose. Do all the things you would do for race day – breakfast, clothes choices, hydration – but take it easy. You’re very close to the ‘Don’t Do Anything Stupid’ phase of training.

Okay, who is in and for how many miles? Roll Call!!

16 Responses to “Week 13 – “Just 14.8 Miles””

  1. Paul Locke says:

    I just restocked with salted caramel GU – my current favorite!

    I’m in for the half & savoring this easy life!

  2. Elaine Scadding says:

    I’m coming up to do the half

  3. andy nagelin says:


    I am going to try and make it. I have a wedding tonight and an anniversary lunch on Sunday.

    But, hey, it’s only 14.8 right?


  4. Bill Riley says:

    In for the full

  5. Joe Terranova says:

    In for something between half and full.

  6. Dan Slattery says:

    In for the half ????. We’ll miss ya tomorrow, MC Lois-Hammer!

  7. Haecha Donnelly says:

    I’m in for the full and then some!! Thanks!

  8. Maryanne Martin says:

    Thanks Lois, Jason, and Don. IFTF.

  9. Audrey H says:

    In for the full. Thank you!

  10. Jessi says:

    In for the full. Thank you!!!

  11. Jackie Ecker says:

    In for the full. Thanks!

  12. Thuy says:

    IFTF…thanks! Starting early and running to Brueggers so I will end at Nick’s.

  13. Matt Kerton says:

    In for the full.

  14. Stacia Miele says:

    Half for me. Thanks!

  15. Lauren Cossette says:

    In for most of the full.

  16. Brian Walfield says:

    Thanks to Don, Jason and Mike for the water stops today!!!!!

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