Week 12 – Someone’s running 22!

Lois will be helping you out this week. Run long, run hard, taper is coming! Who’s in?

20 Responses to “Week 12 – Someone’s running 22!”

  1. Regina Curran says:

    Julie and I are in for 14! Thanks Lois

  2. Christina DiCalogero says:

    Jess and I are in for 11. Thank you.

  3. Cynthia Berger says:

    I’m in for half. Thanks

  4. Dan Slattery says:

    In for 11-12 or so; I’ll help with the 22 next week, Lo. 🙂

  5. Haecha Donnelly says:

    I’m in for half of the half! Thanks Lois!

  6. Do you like my beard says:

    Ahoy! Full please – see you in the morning!

  7. Donna Leggiero says:

    I am in for the half. Thank you!

  8. Liz says:

    I’m in for something under the half

  9. Mike Sikkema says:

    I hope to join the crew this week, for half.

  10. Paul Locke says:

    Half for me, please.

  11. Matt Kerton says:

    In for about 13-14. Thanks!

  12. Mike McLaughlin says:

    In for around 14-15. Thanks

  13. Jessi says:

    In for something!! Thank you!

  14. Donny says:

    In for a partial

  15. Jen Bresnahan says:

    I’m in for something…but not 22! Thank you!

  16. Greg M says:

    I’m in for 11.

  17. Stan lefave says:

    In for the full thanks Lois aka the water girl that’s some high quality H20

  18. Mary O'Connell says:

    I’m in for 14. Thank you.

  19. Jeff Rushton says:

    In for the full…Thanks LPC!

  20. Glen says:

    Half for me, thanks!

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