Week 12 – The Plan

Here is the plan for tomorrow. Review it, make sure you’re name is on a car list. Not everyone indicated whether they would be coming upstairs to the Knights. Feel free to, even if you don’t eat what I’m serving (pasta, pizza, and caesar salad). You guys deserve celebrating!


And the route…

Remember this is a training run, not a race. Winning only gets you a longer wait for your car to leave.

Drivers please show up at 6:40 to get your supplies and people’s bags. Everyone check in with your driver. I’ll be counting full cars before we leave.

Thanks to all the volunteers. The car count is low so it might be tight getting out there. Matt will meet us in Hopkinton so when you’re stinky there will be a little more room on the way home. Please mark your bags with your names so we can find it at the finish. It will be cold, maybe a little snowy at the finish so bring warm clothes, you may be waiting a bit before heading back to Melrose.

The Knights will open around noonish, I’ll have lunch (pasta, salad, pizza) at about 1:00. Let me know if you’re interested.

4 Responses to “Week 12 – The Plan”

  1. Jose Viveiros says:

    I am in for 20something see u at 6:40am my 5 seat car is available if needed
    thank u

  2. Carly Rose says:

    I’ve finagled someone to take the ride out to Hopkinton and then back to Melrose. We can fit 2 more!

  3. Jim says:

    Carly, if they are willing to help water stops that’s great. It’s too late for me to change the plans but we’ll adapt in the morning. See you all in the morning.

  4. Jose Viveiros says:

    Sorry I didn’t realize how late I was to respond now that I read farther down. I am IFTF hippopotamus fit in a at. Have my own GU. Don’t need pasta unles there is left over

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