And thus begins the planning for the Hopkinton to Boston College Training Run of 2016! The run is this Saturday, March 26th, meeting at Brueggers at 7AM, arriving in Hopkinton around 8AM, finishing in Boston between 11AM and 1PM.
On this post I’ll be coordinating the list of drivers, runners, and post run revellers of this year’s extravaganza. What I need to know, by replying to this message, is who will be a dedicated driver, who would like to run half the route and drive half the route, and who is running the entire route. Also, some of you will have special requests. While these are sometimes difficult to accommodate, every effort to make things happen the way you’d like will be considered. Also after the run we’re planning on having a pasta party with food from Comella’s upstairs at the Knights of Columbus. I’ll collect $10 per person to cover the cost of food. Beverages will be available at the bar. If you are interested in attending the post-run celebration please let me know that too.
THE PLAN: bostoninstructions2016
Please review the plan and let me know what I screwed up!
See you in the morning!!!
i can drive or transport bags. i have enough seating for 4 runners and a big back space for bags or water stop supplies. i was hoping to get in some running as well, but only if it can work out.
Hi Jim,
I’d love to run the full. Not sure if the body will let me? *
I would like to sign up for the full. Looking forward to it. Thanks.
I can drive–my car can hold 4 passengers–would like to run half the course–
Also, my brother would like to join us but will meet us in hopkinton so won’t need a seat.
I’d like to join in for the full. Thank you!!
I would like to run the full – would have volunteered my car for someone but drove it into a garage today. Am not available for the after party either (will be car shopping 🙂
Thank you to the volunteers and drivers!
I would like to run the full please.
I’d like to join as well. Will not be able to stay for the celebration afterward, though. Thanks!
I’m in for the full. Thanks so much for setting this up and being amazing every single week. I’m always so nervous at the beginning of all of these runs and you guys can’t imagine how grateful I am for the encouragement and water stops.
I would love to sign up for the full. Most likely will attend the after celebration. THANK YOU and THANK YOU! Melrose Running club is awesome and has the best support!
I would like to run the full please. Thank you!
Hi Jim,
Would love to join you and the gang for the full.
Many thanks,
Thanks Jim! Full please. I can take my daughter’s Toyota Camry, holding 4 passengers. But I will need a driver. I’m in for some post run celebration.
I can drive and volunteer as well. I’m not going to run this week. My car seats 4 people.
in for the full (gulp)
I can volunteer my car without a driver. Carries 4-5 and cargo.
In for the after run celebration or consolation
Hi Jim, My car can fit 3 comfortably, 4 in a pinch. Plus room for cargo.
I can drive people back to Melrose afterwards, and can pick them up in the morning as well, if needed.
Hi I am interested in joining. I am in for the 1/2 and can help with the other half. Whatever is needed.
Thank you
In for the (gulp- ditto, Dorota!) and a little of the pasta fest. Thank you Jim and all the volunteers- couldn’t do any of this without you! 🙂
I’m in for the full! My friend Kim Theriault will also be joining us for the full! She is running her first ever marathon at Boston! I will not be able to stay for the after party. THANK YOU to all the volunteers!!
In for the full (I hope). I have a Honda Pilot with a third row that seats 7/8 if you want to switch out my car for Thuy’s. I will pick her up. Thank you Volunteers. I hope I won’t keep people waiting too long for me to finish.
Hi, I would love to join you – I’ll be running the full. I’m a friend of Mike Fitzgerald 🙂
In for the full
Hi Greg,
I would like to join the group for this run. I plan to do the full 22 miles.
I can volunteer my Honda CRV for a vehicle if needed. Seats 5 comfortably.
I am a member of Mystic Running club, but hoping to tag along for this one.
I’m in for lunch, too!
I will run the full. We can take 3 people in the car with us. Are family members invited to the party or is it limited to the runners because of space at the Knights of Columbus?
IFTF!! Thanks to all!!!
oh and i’m in for lunch also!
Jim, Kim and I will not be staying to eat. I can volunteer my CRV to fit 5 if needed!!
I’m in for the lunch, too. Thanks!
I have room to take a 5th person in my car and would like to request Andy Panacopoulos or Susan Hennessey, if the are not already assigned to a car,
Please let me know,
my cell is 978-423-1301
I am so looking forward to seeing all of the runners at the water stops.
Jim I am so sorry that Derek and I can’t help this year…. our dog had surgery so we can’t leave her for the full day….. Next year for sure !!! Have a Great run everyone !!!
Hope it’s not too late to let you know that I want to stay for lunch. I might not be the best company after running that far. Put me at the table with people who can’t keep their heads up…or just feed me while I lie on the floor.
Hi, Count me in -if there is space.. Sorry for the last minute notice!
I would like to run 3/4 of the course. Thanks!
I will stay for lunch. Thanks Jim.
Sorry for the short notice…I’ll be running the full!! Unfortunately I won’t be able to join the pasta party…my grandmother has been in the hospital so I’ll be spending the afternoon getting wild with her lol
Thank you as always and let me know what I can do to help!
Jim, would it help if I borrowed my husband’s ford explorer? that would hold 6… not sure but I can ask if it would help. let me know….
Jim, Kim also has a car that can seat 5 if needed! Thank you for organizing 🙂
I’m in for lunch as well. Thanks!
Just wanted to add that I will be able to stay for the lunch. Thanks again!
Jim, I will not be staying for lunch. Thank you
Good luck runners.. Remember it’s a long run… Not a marathon.. A very wise man (Jim Carson) once told me.. It’s a memeorble day… You have awesome support especially all the volunteers…
I’m looking forward to resuming the experience next year…
I just spoke to Kenny and he is in for 1/2 (if it’s not too late). Thank you!!
I think I have everybody in a car.
Mary: Matt Sazama will drive your car along the route.
Lois and Sue: After you drop people off, drive out to Wellesley and do what works best for you. Maybe drop your cars in Wellesley, run back and hook up with our runners, then catch a ride back to your car when you’re done.
Everyone else, make sure you’re assigned to a car. If I missed you we can squeeze you into some empty seats. Let me know.
Get some sleep! See you in the morning. 6:45 for drivers 6:55 for runners. Leaving at 7!
Hi Jim! Tonight or tomorrow morning could you text or call me. Thanks 617.797.7179