Next week we have 22 miles from Hopkinton to Boston College on the schedule. I need two things, a note if you plan on joining us and volunteers to contribute their car to the trip (the bigger the car the better). The basic plan will be to bring about 4 cars and about twice the drivers as cars so drivers can run a portion of the route if they like. The cars will be water stops, leap frogging along the route and all finishing up at Boston College at the finish. Space in the cars will be filled in this order: drivers, regular SLR participants running the full route, regular SLR participants running part of the route, other full route runners, extra water stop helpers. So for now I need to start getting a headcount, a list of drivers, and a list of cars.
I’m in for driving duties!
I can fit 4 people in my car. If anyone has a caravan or larger SUV they would like to bring, I can drive that instead.
I’m in for running 22… can donate a 5 person Prius if needed.. lessons included.
Thanks Jim, wd
I’m in for the full 22!!
Count me in for 22 also. My car can fit 4 comfortably, or 5 if you don’t mind some squished legs. If someone is willing to drive it for the water stops I can offer it up.
Definitely in for the 22. I have a Honda Civic – probably not ideal but it’s available if needed.
I’m in for the 22. I don’t know if our car is available or not.
I can be a driver for rolling water stop support. I have an 8 passenger minivan I’m pretty sure can be available, or can drive someones car just in case Kev needs the car. Looking forward to our annual field trip!
planning to run, but not the whole thing
I would like to join as well. Planning to run 20-22.
i plan on running around 10 or 12 and doing support when i’m not running. I’m happy to bring my car, but it may not be optimal (small and a standard). I’d be happy to drive someone else’s car while they run if that works out.
I plan to run and my car wants to drive. Seats five (or six if the cargo hold is used).
I am happy to support and drive. As you may guess I will NOT be driving the Honda Pilot but my subaru can fit 5. I am happy to drive someone else’s car too. Thanks Liz
Jim, looks like you have enough drivers. You know I am
in for the 22.
I am really looking forward to this run. Sounds like the weather is going to be dry. What do you have to say Walt?
See you all sunday @7:00am
I’m running the 22.
I am going to try the full 22. My husband, Nate, has voluntereed as a water-stopper and driver. Maybe put him near the end as I’m sure I’ll be the last to finish? We have room for 2 more (preferably slower) folks.
Don’t worry, nobody gets left behind. Jim has it all figured out and the water stop vehicles actually do every other stop or so, so that the fast runners as well as the slower runners have support the whole route. When the speedier runners finish we all typically wait and cheer on the runners as they arrive at BC. It is a really fun day!
I’d like to do some of the route, maybe with Lois or Nancy and my car is available. Seats 8
Awesome. I am really looking forward to it. Nate is still up for one running stop or rolling ones. I have filled him in on the drill. 🙂
I’d like to do some of the route, maybe 16? I can fit 4 people including myself comfortably, 5 people including myself uncomfortably
Sunday continues to look dry.. probably 25-30F when we start with little or no wind at 8am and some sunshine but it should warm rapidly by 11am into the 45-50F range with increasing southerly wind – sort of a push. As Jim says winter to spring run!
Hi, I am planning to run part of the route, probably the same as Lois and can fit 4 other people, 2 more in my hatch if need be. What time are we planning to start?
Hi, I am planning to run part of the route, probably the same as Lois and can fit 4 other people, 2 more in my hatch if need be. What time are we planning to start?
Jim- I was w/o computer access for a few days but I am in as well.