Week 11 – Trying to Figure this out

Ok, as I write this, by this time tomorrow we’ll be running along the LynnFells on our way to Breakheart. Those running the shorter loop will be turning back towards Brueggers, those that need to run 18 miles will be following the route map (which I have restored), and a handful of us will be trying to figure out how to stretch this 18 mile run into 22. I thought I had a simple solution, but this route doesn’t go exactly where I thought it did so I’m still working on it. When I do figure it out I’ll post if here: The 22 Mile Route For Week 11.

Water Stops: Tomorrow we’ll need a few. First at Citizen’s Bank in Malden. Second at the Knoll by Melrose Middle School. Third at the Saugus Entrance of Breakheart. And a fourth somewhere else. Any help I can get to set these up and get people back to Brueggers would be very much appreciated.

The advice for this week: Eat like its race day eve. Saturday’s meals have a great impact on Sunday’s run. The day before your big race don’t get all experimental with your dinner menu. Keep it conservative to known foods you know your belly can handle. Tonight is the perfect time to test out your meal, in all it’s carb and protein filled glory. If it works for you tomorrow, it’ll work on race day.

So who’s in and for how much? Also, remember we’re back to our normal 8AM start at Brueggers.

27 Responses to “Week 11 – Trying to Figure this out”

  1. Catherine Kane says:

    Hi, I can help with a water stop wherever needed. I plan to do the 22 conservatively since i am working that night.

  2. Erin says:

    I’m in for 22. First long run for Chicago!

  3. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’m in for the full 22. Might as well get it over with even if it is a week early. Now to figure out what’s for dinner!

  4. I’m in for the 22 this should be my last long run -getting ready for
    Baystate in October. REALLY nervous!

  5. Lauren says:

    Barry and I are in for 22 but have to get creative since we have another (!) wedding tomorrow at 2:00. We’ll probably do 4 before 8:00 and then do the 18 mile route. See you all in the a.m.!

  6. Matt Sazama says:

    I can do the roving support again and I can also put my car at one of the water stops.

  7. Julie D'Andrea says:

    I can do the Saugus/Breakheart water stop if someone will pick me up, then I will end my run there.

    I’m happy to buy supplies. I have recently cleaned the pantry closet and found all sorts of cups left over from a couple summers of cookouts….

  8. Sue Clough says:

    Good luck tomorrow everyone! I’ll be in Gloucester dodging the seagulls at the Lone Gull

  9. Walt Drag says:

    Good afternoon Jim and great to see the Sunday LR web link working again,

    I can do your first or second water stop…

    Am running 21… from wstop to start and then back to my car at the finish. I can pick up around 725a dependent on wstop and please dont wait for me at Brueggers…need to run as a last decent tuneup long run.

    Just send me an email… will ck my mail at 5 and 10pm.


  10. Maureen McNulty says:

    Hi Friends,

    My Mohawk running partners, Krissy, Elizabeth and I will be in for the long haul 22 miles with you guys. Thank you, so glad it is going to be a beautiful day. GO PATRIOTS!! I hope I am finished before the Patriot’s game is over ?


  11. Nancy says:

    Going long, and doing the last water stop at Nick’s pizza. Maybe Catherine can pick me up on the way in the morning?

  12. Carol Carstensen says:

    I will be there. I could do a water stop or pick someone up.

  13. Nick Lamberti says:

    In for something,not sure how long, family plans in the afternoon!

  14. Joanne Piper says:

    I’ll be at the lone gull. Good Luck everyone!

  15. Jim says:

    Ok, the 22 mile route is up. Not exactly what I thought, but exactly 22 miles according to the online mapping programs.

    Walt, can you take WS 1 at Citizens Bank in Malden?
    I’ll take the Knoll, maybe Lois can pick me up on her way in?
    Julie is Breakheart, not sure if you bought stuff, I can leave some stuff on my steps in the morning for you to fortify the stop with. I’m expecting we’ll need a bit of Gu there.
    Nancy will be Nick’s pizza and should have supplies already. Catherine, can you pick her up?

    That sounds like its all set… despite the feeling I have that its not.

    Post here if there is trouble reading maps or issues with the water stop assignments.

    Get ready for the long one… then taper!!!

  16. Mike York says:

    I plan on running 13ish. If anything changes with water stops I can help out.


  17. Julie D'Andrea says:

    I need someone to pick me up at Breakheart at 7:45-ish.

    I bought some stuff, I have a few of my own packets of Gu to donate, will stop by your house to grab some more.

  18. Catherine Kane says:

    Hi, I can pick Nancy up and Julie also if no one else can. I like that we are doing the inner loop of Breakheart! See you in the morning!

  19. Jim says:

    I was just out watching the Melrose Fireworks and remembered that I forgot that we needed someone to pick up Julie. If someone else can do that I would appreciate it. Picking up two people in the morning can get hectic. If you are able please post here so everyone knows. Thanks!

    See you in the AM!!!

  20. Lois says:

    i’m in for the whole 22 lovely miles.

    Jim, i’ll pick you up at the knoll. 7:40ish?

  21. Catherine Kane says:

    No problem picking up Nancy and Julie. So I will get them abut 7:40-7:45 unless someone posts otherwise.

  22. Walter Drag says:


    I’ve got WS1 covered… Citizens Bank-Malden I’ll be by around 720am or 725 am…

    Thank you,

  23. Erin Lynch says:

    I am in and will shoot for 22 .. what the heck. See you tomorrow.

  24. Walter Drag says:

    Thanks for another day of organizing this today Jim…

    I am not sure if you’re here next Sunday (L Winnie?), but i can lead this if you are not available and need a focal point. We just need a route (hopefully flat). My plans next Sunday the 27th are for 16 miles.

    I left the remains of the supplies at your home.


  25. Jim says:

    Thanks Walt, hope you had a good run. I will be at Lake Winnie. I think Carol, Ginny, and you should be able to piece a run together. Why don’t you look at the 16s we did in previous weeks and see if there’s one you like that people can add or subtract 2 miles from to tailor to their needs. I’ll start a thread for you in a while.

    Thanks again for you help this morning. It was a long wandering route so all the water stop help was appreciated: Walt, Julie, Nancy, Lois, Catherine… thanks a ton!

    Congrats to everyone that made it through 22! It was a good day for it, but it’s never easy especially with the Fellsway East and Breakheart in the mix.

  26. Walter Drag says:

    Received Jim and thank you,

    We’ll await your thread and meanwhile, we will take a look at 16’s in the next day or 3…

    A 16 miler (w options) will happen Sunday the 27th- 8am Brueggers, even if there are only a handful of us.


  27. Walter Drag says:


    I think I have something… with flex for participants… though I’ll need input from Carol and Ginny/yourself et al.

    I’d like to run a mostly flat course… which is what many of the fall M’s are and think its good for all runners to run a long run similar to the flat course they selected.

    I’ve designed a 15.5 from your maps…

    Brueggers to ws1 at the Malden Cit bank which is last Sundays first part of the course… 3.4 mi

    then up Main st to Brueggers and that 1.4 stretch brings you to 4.8.

    Then run your week 3 10.7 Lake Q route with the second ws as outlined at Nicks. Thats a 15.5 course and folks can add on at the end locally near the finish or around Lake Q.

    What do you or anyone else think? 2 ws… a rolling but generally flat course… when considered against Fellsway – Breakheart hills.

    This can be adjusted by participants…preferably in advance so we can try to run together…

    Thanks to all,


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