Week 11 – The last 1/3 of training begins

First off a big THANKS for all the helpers that contributed to getting you through the past few weeks without a hitch. Great job everyone, especially Lois and AJ… and Brian… and Dave and Betty and Diana and Erin!!!

As we come done the final stretch of training, its time to start doing some strategic planning. WE’ll have a couple of cool weekends to work out our clothing plans for the race. Pick out some options and test them during these long runs. I think you have your hot gear worked out from the first 7 or 8 weeks. Get some miles on cooler gear to figure out which shirt has a seam or tag in it that just won’t work over hours of running.

Next start honing in on your pre-race meal. Over the next few weeks try out Saturday night meals and early Sunday morning breakfasts to see what works best in your belly on a long run. You don’t want to find out that chili and beer doesn’t really fuel a marathon like you wanted it to on race day.

Ok, on to the important things: This week’s run! Almost 18 miles, with some gently rolling hills. (Love the hills, and never believe gently rolling). We’ll head up to Melrose Common, turn right and wind through tranquil Swains Pond, swing back onto Lebanon and left on Forest St past Oak Grove Cemetery. At the end of that street you’ll find your first water stop at Citizen’s Bank.

From there the route will take you past the Oak Grove T Stop and through a 5 way intersection. Straight through to Glenwood St. Follow Glenwood out to the Highland Ave rotary where the newspaper boy sits and turn right onto the Fellsway East. You’ve been here before, just take that past Grimsbys to the LynnFells Parkway and out to the high school. Stop at the knoll for another water stop.

From there take the LynnFells straight out to Breakheart. Grab a sip at the water stop there and then loop Breakheart. Another sip and back the way you came, all the way to the knoll. Yet another sip and off to Grimsby’s, left down Wyoming, and left on Main to finish up.

If you’re running the shorter route, start out with everyone through the first two water stops. On your way out to Breakheart take your usual turn at Main St in Saugus and back down Howard St. Finish up down Main St for just over 11 miles!

That’s the run, now who’s helping with all those water stops. Since I’m still not running 🙁 I’ll be at all of them at some point. I think I can do this with one helper taking the knoll. Any volunteers? I think there’s still a bucket of supplies floating around. If you have it, bring it on Sunday. Thanks.

That’s it. Who’s in? ROLL CALL!

14 Responses to “Week 11 – The last 1/3 of training begins”

  1. Peter Fopiano says:

    I’ll be there, and I can leave my car at the knoll. My longest run so far is 15.5, so I hope it goes well!

  2. Joe Winslow says:

    Welcome back Jim! I’m in for the full.

  3. Brian Walfield says:

    I’ve got some supplies. I’ll bring them by in the morning. Don’t think I’ll be running this week. Won’t know until the morning.Thanks Jim.

  4. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    I’m in for 15ish… i already know where i’m shortening the route… you thought breakheart, didn’t you? Nope. Love the hills (waiting for them to love me back).

    see you all in the morn.

  5. Dorota Bulik says:

    How do you shorten without Breakhart Lois? Prey do tell. I’m for something inbetween.
    Can leave my car at the knoll.

  6. Judith Dolan says:

    Mike and I are in for 9 or so. We may leave a car at the old Pace’s.

  7. Diana Mirabello says:

    In for the full. Bringing tomatoes for afterwards because we have more cherry tomatoes then we can eat

  8. Erin Lynch says:

    I am in for the full! See you in the morning!


  9. Jim says:

    Ok, hmmm. Brian, are you helping with water stops or just dropping off supplies? If you’re just dropping off, Dorota and Peter, can you two meet at the Knoll and leave one car there, and the other can give the car leaver a ride over to Brueggers?

    I’ll do ws1, then I’ll swing over to ws2 and leave supplies there while I move along to ws 3. Then I’ll still be in place for ws4 and Dorota/Peter’s car will be ready for ws5. Sounds like a plan. Thanks!

  10. Maryanne says:

    Hoping to make it for the short…

  11. Bill says:

    I’ll give it a shot for the full…

  12. Christina Antico says:

    I’m in for around 15 miles. Will get an early start around 7 am. Thanks!

  13. Peter Fopiano says:

    I will be at the knoll by 7:45, dorota if you think you will finish there we can leave your car and I will give you a ride to brueggers

  14. Audrey Hanscom says:

    Sorry, for the late notice…I’ll be there for he short

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