Last Week – The group ran up to Lake Quannapowitt where half loop runners caught a glimpse of the lake before heading home to Melrose and full route runners circled it before heading over to Breakheart. The water stop stood at Nick’s for the whole run, with lots of help and a tailgate party atmosphere, thanks everyone for a fun day!
This Week – We increase the mileage as we work up to the peak next week. We’ll head over to the peaceful Swain’s Pond area of Melrose before cutting over to the Fells and around to Breakheart again. Sort of the Emerald Necklace of Melrose.
The Route:
Full Map: Full Route Map
Half Map: Half Route Map
Start-1 Everyone crosses Main Street and turns immediately left on to East Foster. Run up to Melrose Common and take a right onto 6th Street. Continue straight as this becomes Swains Pond Avenue. Swains Pond will take you up to Turners Pond where you’ll turn right at a stop sign to continue on Swains Pond Ave. There will be a point where you meet Lebanon Street, sometimes people just follow left and end up in Malden, don’t do that, instead take a sharp right onto Lebanon, then a left at the traffic lights on to Forest Street. At the end of Forest Street you’ll hit Main Street where you’ll find Water Stop 1 in the parking lot of Citizens Bank.
Start-2 Everyone continues together onto Winter Street, past the Oak Grove MBTA stop to a 5-way intersection. Cross straight across to get on Glenwood Street. This will take you through some hilly roads over to Highland Ave where you’ll turn right and then immediately turn right onto the Fellsway East. Continue on to Grimsby’s where you’ll go straight on to the LynnFells Parkway. When you get to Melrose High School look for a water stop at the knoll on your right.
Half-Finish If you’re running the half route you’ll continue on with the full runners down the LynnFells Parkway until you get to the stop light at Main Street in Saugus. Turn left, and immediate left onto Howard. Take Howard back to a left on Green Street. Green Street will merge with Main Street which will take you back to Brueggers with 11 miles under your belt.
Full-3 If you’re running the full you’ll continue along the LynnFells Parkway until you hit the Saugus Breakheart entrance. Head up to the headquarters and look for a water stop.
Full-4 Run the flatter side of Breakheart by entering to the left, keeping right at the beach and popping out at the Vocational School. Run down to Wakefield High School and turn left on Farm Street. Farm will become Main Street in Saugus where you’ll take a right at the second set of traffic lights back on to the LynnFells Parkway. Continue back to Melrose High School where the last water stop will be waiting for you.
Full-Finish To finish the full you’ll take the LynnFells back to Grimsby’s, turn left on Wyoming and left on Main and finish at Brueggers with 18 miles to your credit.
Water Stops We will have three stops this week: Citizens Bank in Malden, East Knoll Field Parking lot across from Melrose High, and Breakheart parking lot.
Roll Call! Who’s in?
2 of us in for the full. Confirming leaving Bruguers at 8am?
Brendan, We start at 7:30.
I’m in for the first loop by Swains Pond, and then I’m heading back up Main Street. 1 water stop.
In for the half. Thanks
In for the half. Thank you