Week 11 Recap – Welcome Spring!

A truly beautiful day to run. Cool to begin, sunnier than expected, a bit windy in spots, but nice to be out in shorts in the springtime. Twenty-five runners joined in for this week’s run, leaving Brueggers and heading left on East Foster towards Melrose Common. The pack of runners spread out as we climbed the hill, conversations passing from one group to another as everyone found their place in the pack. Turning right at the Common we headed up to Swains Pond, where two swans dipped their heads in the water and their tales in the air as if mooning Ginny, Carol, Dan and I as we ran by. From there we wandered to Lebanon St and onto Forest St where the curving road brought us to water stop 1… which we neglected to let Dan know was coming so we stopped and he ran by. He figured it out pretty quickly and circled back to the stop.

BarryP quickly served up the beverages and, after shedding some clothes making my way to shorts and a light long sleeve shirt, we began the second leg of the journey. Through the Glenwood section of Malden, past the elementary school Dan attended as a child, we popped out onto the Fellsway East and marched up and down everyone’s favorite hills. Dan and I tried to catch up with Kerry and Sasha the dog but couldn’t, Sasha had started out strong and was keeping a quick pace darting from squirrel to squirrel. The LynnFells brought us to Walt’s car, water stop 2 today. BarryP was already there, having closed up shop at water stop 1 and drove over to water stop 2.

From here we ran a straight flat line along the LynnFells Parkway to Saugus and into Breakheart. No matter how fast we ran BarryP beat us there, which normally would be true even if he wasn’t in a car and possible true even though he’s wearing a post-surgery boot. In this stretch we did make up some space between us and Sasha. Heading into her 10th mile those little dog legs seemed ready to stop. At the water stop she lied down on the asphalt and called it quits. We continued on into Breakheart and did a hilly lap around to Sue’s car for a water stop.

Here’s where I called it quits, packing into Sue’s car with her, Nancy, Judi, and Dan we called it a day. AJ, Jose, and Dave took some water and headed off to continue their run as we drove back. Along the way we spotted Billy walking along the LynnFells, the miles adding up he needed a little break from running but turned down the offer of a ride. Ahead of him we spotted Carol and Kerry running strong. We turned left onto Main St while the runners continued back to Walt’s car at the knoll by Melrose Middle School, and then down to Grimsbys to take West Wyoming back to Melrose Center. Everyone looked strong as they pulled in to Brueggers, 17.8 miles after leaving their at 8AM.

3 Responses to “Week 11 Recap – Welcome Spring!”

  1. Sue Clough says:

    Thanks Jim for all the organizing and thanks to all for water stops and good running buddies

  2. Walter Drag says:

    Waterstoppers and our group being there! You make this a whole lot easier and a more enjoyable time. Thank you very much, Walt

  3. Joe Terranova says:

    Sorry I missed today. Sounds like a great effort by everyone. Unfortunately, young Christopher’s birthday next week takes me off the volunteer roster next week. I am sorry but my absence may help the weather situation. Again, great job everyone.

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