Week 11 – First Spring Run

Today Spring officially sprung, chronologically more so than meteorological. This Sunday we’ll take our first Spring long run and we’ll mark it with a different start to the run. Instead of heading North or South on Main St as we have all winter long, we’re going to head up to Melrose Common, swing around Swains Pond, wander over to the Fellsway East, continue down the Lynn Fells Pkwy back to Breakheart for a few late hills in the run, then head all the way back the way you came until you hit W Wyoming Ave where you turn home to Brueggers. Almost 18 miles for those running long while those running short can cut back several different ways to tailor their runs to be 4.5, 7, 8, or 11 miles.

My car is acting up again (oil light is coming on)  so I’ll need some extra help for the water stops. Take a look at the map and let me know if you think you can help. Thanks!

It’s time again for the ROLL CALL! Who’s in?

19 Responses to “Week 11 – First Spring Run”

  1. Joe Terranova says:

    I am in for the long run.

  2. Lauren Cossette says:

    Hooray for Spring! I’m in. It’s a step-back week for me so I’ll probably do the 11 and maybe tack on a little extra before or after depending on how my hip feels today.

  3. David Hayes says:

    18 – I can do a waterstop…. Breakheart?

  4. Peter Fopiano says:

    I can leave my car at the Ell Pond water stop and run back to the start

  5. Judi Chiavetta says:

    See you all on Sunday-I’m goin’ long:)

  6. liz tassinari says:

    I will probably meet the long group at Breakhart and run thru bkht and back to brueggers with ya.

  7. Sue Clough says:

    I’m in for the 11

  8. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’m in for the full 1st spring run! Carbo loading as I type 🙂

  9. Catherine Kane says:

    HI, I’m back from vacation and in for 11!

  10. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’ll be there. If you still need someone for the 1st water stop I could probably do that. Just let me know where to pick up the supplies. If anyone could give me a ride in that would be great – otherwise – I could always run in and back – but then, darn the luck, I might have to skip the loop in breakheart!

  11. Jim says:

    Ok, let’s see if this plan makes sense:

    I’ll do water stops 1 and 2/5, hoping in for the run out to Breakheart and back. As long as my car makes it there shouldn’t be a problem.

    Peter, can you pick up a water stop bucket at my house in the morning and head out to Breakheart (Saugus side) and drop it off at Tall Dave’s car for water stop 3/4… and bring him back to Brueggers? Or leave you car and have him drive you back to Brueggers, which ever is more convenient.

    If that’ll work then that’s simple enough.
    Thanks for the offers everyone.

  12. Suzanne Fogarty says:

    I’m in for the long run and can help out with water stops if you need it.

  13. David Hayes says:

    Talked with Pete and we’re all set with the Saugus Side Water Stop plan. See you tomorrow!

  14. Lois says:

    I’m in. could certainly help with waterstops if needed. i’ll check back.

  15. Barry Cossette says:

    I’m unfortunately not going to be able to join the long run this week. I’m seeing the orthopedic doctor on Monday about my foot problems. I hope everyone has a great run! I might stop by Brueggers afterwards.

  16. Joanne Piper says:

    I’ll be there for the 11

  17. Mary Corbett says:

    Ill be there for 7 or 8

  18. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    I am running the North Shore 30K run Beverly Sunday morning as my long run. You all will likely be done before I even start! Have a good one.

  19. Matt Sazama says:

    I’ll be there for the full 18.

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