Ten people gathered inside Brueggers at 7AM for the early edition of the MRC Sunday Long Run. Preparations for the Victorian Fair were taking place outside, tents went up while rain fell down and discussion of how many laps under the tents would be needed to complete 16 miles passed the time before we headed out. As we began covering the MRC summer route to begin our run, we took advantage of the tent to keep us dry until Grove St where we headed out into the downpour. Sidestepping puddles along
Wyoming and the LynnFells, naturalized-citizen with an English accent Dave and I kept Erin Moseley company.Erin ran with us in the winter and spring in training for the Boston Marathon, regularly running with Judi, but since Judi and many of our other local speedsters were running the Reach the Beach Relay Dave and I stepped up and tried to keep pace. Running the summer route as if that’s all we were running we charged through the first 3 miles with her, stopping for a quick water stop at Lois’ car on the corner of Hillcrest and Upham. As we finished our drinks the rest of the crew quickly came in behind us: Kaj, Lois, Catherine, Kelly, Carol, Julie, and Peter.
Heading down Upham St I quickly described the rest of the summer routes to Erin, and devised the plan to have her run the full 7 mile run around the cemeteries and Pine Banks while Dave and I cut down Sylvan St for the 5.9 mile run. This would give her the freedom to stretch her legs and maybe tire her out a little plus give Dave and I a little longer rest back at the water stop behind Brueggers. Pulling into the parking lot we noticed most of the other runners had already returned having cut down Grove St. Ginny met up with us outside while inside Brueggers our shorter route runners awaited their 8AM start in dry quarters. As I stumbled in to use the men’s room I resembled a drowned rat Leann, Kevin, Jocelyn, Kristen, Audrey, Beth, and Leah found it funny to see how wet I was… and disturbing to think they were about to join me.
We headed North on Main St into rain, Erin and I starting at the back and as we passed everyone I tried to convince them to keep up with us. Polite ‘no’s or simple avoidance of the question were heard as we left everyone trailing behind us, even Dave who decided 16 miles at that pace just wasn’t going to happen. Despite the quick pace we held polite conversation all the way down Main St into Wakefield. Nancy was hosting the next water stop but this week the sight of Nancy lounging in a beach chair was replaced with her huddled under an awning next to Rick in a yellow rain slicker. A quick drink there and before everyone showed up we were off again up toLake Quannapowitt. The wind was driving the rain sideways by the lake and I was glad I had chosen to leave my glasses in my car as keeping them clear in this rain would have been tough. Still holding conversation we made our way around the Converse side of the building and back North Ave. Keeping a steady pace along North Ave I could tell the speed of the run as wearing me down, noted by the conversation coming to an end whenever we hit an incline. We followed North Ave back to Nancy’s car where I poured myself a large cup of Gatorade… not so much because I needed the drink but moreso I needed a minute to recover. After that minute I stared down North Ave searching the horizon for another runner that might help alter our pace a bit. No luck, although I found it hard to believe we were so far ahead. My hunch was right, Kevin and Leann were the next group coming up but they followed Church St to complete the circle of the lake for an extra ¼ mile, something others did too. Instead of short cuts people are now taking long cuts, nice.
The last stretch was a simple 3 mile run returning down Main St. I fed this info to Erin in case she wanted to race ahead. She didn’t, which in the end was good for me, keeping me hustling as hard as I could through the fatigue of miles 14, 15, and 16. The pace was obviously slowing though, asErin seemed to be sightseeing as we paralleled the train tracks heading from Wakefield to Melrose. As she gazed at houses, business, and neighborhoods I was intently searching the sidewalk for appropriate places between puddles and crab apples to possibly collapse. Huffing and puffing our way along, keepingErin company despite saying only 3 words: “One Mile Left!â€, we strolled back down Main St and headed back to my car for all the Snickers, Gatorade, and water I could get my hands on. A solid run for me, and a comfortable cheery one for Erin had come to end. Minutes later runners began to stroll in, each one of them putting in a strong run despite the rain.
Today was a nice recovery run after the long runs for both marathon and half marathoner trainers. This run also gave us a chance to train in adverse running conditions, something you may be glad you know more about if race day ends up rainy. And as for the challenge of running a little harder to keep Erin company, well that’s a benefit of running in a training group… one week it’s my week to pull someone up a hill, the next week it my turn to be challenged to run harder. In the end it all makes us better runners and we can thank each other for it. Thanks!
What a great run today, the rain didn’t bother me a bit and the pace wasn’t too bad. In fact, I prefer the rain to heat/humidity, although that could be genetic (coming from from the rainiest part of the rainiest country in Europe!). Having said that, my running shoes are *still* wet, sat atop the furnace in my basement, stuffed with newspaper. I hope they dry out by Tuesday!
I had a great run (especially after last week’s disaster). I actually think the rain helped. And chatting with different people along the way really made the run go by quickly. Thanks to all!
It was a great run and I didn’t really mind the rain besides the fact that my bandaid on my toe had moved down to the sole of my foot making it a little uncomfortable! and no hills this week – YAY – I haven’t yet figured out how to “love those hills”! I guess I will learn at Lake Winni this weekend. Loved the company this week too and welcome back Nancy! You are looking strong.
It was a nice break to have the cloudy and rainy weather and only a few hills!
Good luck to everyone at Lake Winnie!