Week 10 – We’ve been here before

Now I know why week 8’s alternate route seemed so familiar… it’s week 10’s route. So unless there are any complaints we’ll go back to the corner of Nahant and Main and loop the lake then loop Breakheart and then run back. For all of you who fell on the snowy Sunday run through here, I hear it’ll be dry and mid 40s on Sunday at the worst so no repeat of serial slip-and-falls.

I’ll handle all the stops this week (same stop three times) and anyone looking to do about 10 miles can meet me in the Nick’s Pizza parking lot at 8:20ish. If you want to do around 5.5 you can show up around 9AM and run the Breakheart loop with us.

Who’s in? Bueggers 8AM!

14 Responses to “Week 10 – We’ve been here before”

  1. Sue Clough says:

    I’ll meet you guys at Nick’s Pizza and do the 10.

  2. Joe Terranova says:

    In for the long run….

  3. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’m in!

  4. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’m in too! (Keep trying to remember – Breakheart – love the hills, they’ll love you back, love the hills….) Maybe I’ll be able to convince myself!

  5. Nick Lamberti says:


  6. Christina Antico says:

    I’m in!

  7. Rebecca Pouliot says:

    I am hoping to do around 8 miles starting at 8AM. Is there are route for me with a water stop? If not, I may just run on my own.

  8. Jim says:

    Hi Rebecca… yes there is the normal 8 mile route also, up to the first water stop, then continue up to the lake, turn left at the lake to North Ave, take a left on North Ave back to the water stop again, then return Main St… a nice flat 8 mile run.

  9. Lois says:

    I’m in.

  10. Ed Torres says:

    I’m in. See you at 8.

  11. Nancy says:

    I’ll be there

  12. Matt Sazama says:

    I’m In.

  13. Mary Corbett says:

    I’m in for 8

  14. Marlene McGunigle says:

    I will be there for the 8

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