Week 10 – Un-Fair Treatment – Roll Call

This week’s mission: avoid getting in the way of the Melrose Victorian Fair.

With the Victorian Fair being held Sunday our routine will be altered slightly. Avoid driving down Main St on  your way to Brueggers, it will be shut down from Grove St to Essex St most of the day. In the interest of completing the run before the start of the EMARC road race we’ll be starting our long long run early.

The plan is that the marathon trainers run the MRC summer route before 8AM, as much of it as you want, and return for a water stop behind Brueggers. At 8AM we’ll head out with the half marathon trainers to Lake Quannapowitt for a loop and back.  This should get us back to Brueggers before 10AM, allow us time for our traditional cup of coffee and bagel breakfast, and still head over to help Brian Slater with the race by being a course marshall, water stop attendant, or finish line official.

Here’s a map to explain what we’re doing, or confuse you even more: The Un-Fair Run

Water Stops – I’ll park my car behind Brueggers with supplies for the first water stop. I’ll need a volunteer to park at the corner of Nahant St and Main St in Wakefield, and someone to pick that person up at whatever time they plan on leaving their car there. Either I can get the water stop supplies to you Saturday, or you can pick them up from my car behind Brueggers after 7AM if you’re starting at 8.

So who’s in and for how much? Roll Call!

16 Responses to “Week 10 – Un-Fair Treatment – Roll Call”

  1. Nancy says:

    Jim, I have the green bin from last week, so I will re-stock the supplies and use my car for the stop. I can run to Brueggers and back, as I’m only up for the 6 miles anyhow.

  2. Beth Ford says:

    I plan on being there with the 8am group for the loop around the lake. See you then!

  3. Hi, I’ll be running the 16.3 so see you at 7 am!

  4. Carol Carstensen says:

    Hoping for redemption after last week’s bonk, I’ll be there and hoping to stretch the run to 20.

  5. Jocelyn Stanick says:

    Kevin and I are both in for the 10 mile loop – meeting at Brueggers at 8am. I think Leann plans on joining us too.

  6. Jen Randall says:

    Wish I could make it but we have a crazy schedule this weekend that I will be forced to run on my own at some point this weekend. Sorry I can’t help out w/ the race either. Next time!! Have a great run and race!!

  7. Kelly Walsh says:

    I’ll be there for 16 miles at 7.

  8. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    In for 16m. See you at 7am.

  9. Dave McCaldon says:

    I’ll be there also — so 16 miles starting at 7am?

  10. Denyce Curis says:

    I am hoping to be there at 8:00 and run the 7.9 loop.

  11. Jim says:

    Most longer runners are planning on starting around 7AM to get in their pre-Lake Q miles. I also plan on meeting Lois by Hillcrest & Upham to leave some water and cups there for an early water stop so we don’t start the run by falling behind on hydration.

    See you all at… some time in the morning at Brueggers.

  12. Julie D'Andrea says:

    I’ll start at 7 and keep someone company for whichever summer route they do, but that is it for me.

  13. ginny rowe says:

    I’ll be there for the 16. 7 a.m. ug!

  14. Leah Willett says:

    I will be there at 8am to do the 7.9 mile loop.

  15. Kaj Kandler says:

    I’ll be there at 7am to do 16.X miles.

  16. Kaj Kandler says:

    Thanks Jim, this was a great run, despite the rain.

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