Week 10 – Sweet 16

Last week we had a great run. Nine people completed their 20 mile run out through Stoneham, Winchester, Medford and back. Meanwhile ten others had fun running 10 to 13 miles along the route with them soaking in sunshine and enjoying the views. Us shorter runners waited at Brueggers to see how each 20 mile runner faired. Michele came in finishing strong and looking no worse for the wear. Behind her BarryC charged in with a great run. Lauren and John showed up right behind him, all three smiling in the sunshine after a fine performance. Billy was next, staggering into Brueggers with a grimace that turned quickly into smile once he found a chair to sit in. Carol put in another solid performance despite dealing with a nasty cold that’s been hitting runners throughout the club. AJ had an awesome run, his first 20 didn’t seem to phase him at all. Kerry and Genevieve completed the set, coming in with big satisfied smiles on their faces. Congrats to all that completed this very challenging (hilly) 20 mile route!

Now for this week’s run, the sun is gone but the route is easier. A short and sweet 16 mile recover run. Stepping back a bit and rebuilding towards the 22 mile run in a few weeks. The route will take us out to Nick’s pizza, out and around Lake Quannapowitt, over for a few hills at Breakheart, then back the flats of Main St. Simple. For those looking to do less there are a few options, 6, 8, 10.5,  turn around wherever you like.

As for water stops, everyone has the week off this week, unless someone wants to bring something over to Breakheart. I’ll be parking at Nick’s and doing 10 or 13 starting from there. The Breakheart loop is a 5 mile section of the run, so if someone would like a bucket to bring to the Saugus side, up by the parking lot at the lodge house thing, I’ll pick you up in the morning before the run.

So who’s in for this one? Roll Call!

20 Responses to “Week 10 – Sweet 16”

  1. Elizabeth Vainer says:

    Hi, I had to do my 20 last Saturday, so I was sorry to miss all the fun and great support you all offer! Unfortunately I seem to have some physical problems and am wondering how set back I will be if I don’t do much running this week – I have swum twice, run in the pool once and done one 4 mile run. I pulled my lower back muscles at the gym on Tuesday,and that is slowly getting better but I am still pretty sore. Also, my knees and IT bands are pretty sore.
    I am feeling nervous about doing another long run and hurting things more, but am also nervous getting behind…
    I am looking for advice – is it best for me to rest but keep swimming both days over the weekend and see how things progress next week before getting out there again to run? I am especially nervous to do a long run int he cold and rain given how I am feeling.
    Thanks to anyone who chimes in!

  2. Hi everyone,
    I’m in for the 16 or until I can no longer deal with the wet weather.
    See all you brave souls in the am.

  3. Nick Lamberti says:

    Hi Guys!

    You know I love you but if it is raining like this afternoon I will have to hit the treadmill & see you Tuesday night!

    Elizabeth, sounds like you may have ramped up pretty fast, make sure you check your running shoes (worn shoes will affect your knees), stretch your ITB everyday & by all means listen to your body. It is OK to take sometime off to heal.

    You can rest for up to 10 days without loosing your fitness!
    Good luck!

  4. Dave Hayes says:

    Well I would like to do the full and add a bit more if my feets don’t get too wrinkled.

  5. Jim says:

    Elizabeth, I’ll echo Nick’s comments. Rest is ok! Let that back heal up so it’ll be able to carry you through the rest of the training. If you choose to continue crosstraining, use moist heat to loosen it up before any exercise, and then ice it afterwards.

    As long as you got the 20 miler in, and get back before the next long run to get ready for the 22 you should be ok. Then you’ll have a few weeks to let it all heal up again if it recurs. Consider massage as well, a good way to help muscles heal.

    Knee pain can come from over use, but like Nick says, check those running shoes, when they start to break down they tend to put a lot of stress on the knees and hips.

  6. Lauren Cossette says:

    I’m a wimp and did my run today but I can do a Breakheart water stop for all you brave runners if you’d like one. Let me know! I’ll check back.

  7. Genevieve Rajewski says:

    Thanks to everyone for the support in doing the 20 last week. I cannot talk up the MRC enough. You are all so awesome!

    I am in for the soggy 16 tomorrow. 🙂

    Elizabeth: Sorry to hear you are hurting. I’ll leave the advice to the more experienced runners, but I found a great sports massage therapist if you are interested. Her name is Amy and she works at this spot in Boston: http://www.restoretotalbody.com. She really stressed the importance of rest (when necessary) to me…and was helpful to me with calf/achilles tendon pain. (Knock on wood.)

  8. Walter Drag says:

    Having done this route today in only about a tenth of an inch and 39F with 20-25 mph gusts… suggest do what you can to ensure your body core is warm. I barely maintained enough warmth the last 5 miles – Good luck and be smart.
    We all need to run another day beyond whatever is provided Sunday morning.

  9. Dave Hayes says:

    Thanks Walt – I’m likely going to run up to Church Street in Wakefield and loop back then to a double loop nested inside Breakheart rather than run around Quannapowitt in full wind.

  10. Walter Drag says:

    Also… there may be some portions of road flooded or closed tomorrow morning and that there is a risk of limb breakage. We are looking for 2 to 3.5 inches of rain between 7 pm tonight and 7am Sunday.

    This is a serious storm at hand… one of the worst I think since Boston marathon morning 2008 was it? but this probably wont quit at run time…unless i have missed understanding what is ahead as a meteorologist.

    Get up in the morning, check the radar…ensure lots of warm core wicking layers and body glide on the feet…mittens and hat. As always its a personal game time decision…

  11. Joe Terranova says:

    Seeing that I am not training for a marathon and have had the pleasure of running in cold, wind driven rain, I am going to take a rain check for tomorrow. Good luck everyone. You will do great.

  12. Elizabeth Schon Vainer says:

    Thank you all for the helpful advice, tips and support! I will definitely rest, try the moist heat and stretch…and check out the shoes!
    Stay warm tomorrow and hopefully I will be able to join you all next week!

  13. Jim says:


    If you want to leave the house tomorrow (and don’t feel like you have to) I’ll leave a spare water stop container stocked in ready to go in my car at water stop 1. Just grab it around 9:15/9:30 and head over to Breakheart.

    I’ll see the rest of you in the morning (whoever shows up)!

  14. Rachelle Horwitz says:

    Elizabeth, tomorrow does not sound like it’s the best day to go for a run if you are hurting. I hope you feel better!

    I’m hoping to get out there and do 16 with you guys. We’ll see if it happens or if I chicken out.

  15. Dave Hayes says:

    Can’t blame the weather on Joe this time. Just an FYI: we “Spring Ahead” overnight tonight.

  16. Carol Carstensen says:

    I was a weather wuss and ran 18 on Friday – but good luck to all you brave soles. Hope you have a great run!

  17. Jose Viveiros says:

    HI HA! Rain and wind tomorrow just the way I like it. Nothing like a tough challenge to start your morning. Bring it on. I will be there. I’ve adjusted my clock for 1 hour ahead.

  18. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    I’m NOT in for tomorrow. Enjoy the rain without me. Those of you who know me understand how much I love a good run in the rain. So, you’ll have to take me with you in spirit as I can’t be there.

    Everyone , have a good run.

  19. Genevieve Rajewski says:

    Hey there. I think I am going to chicken out and fit this week’s long run in around better weather. Good luck out there. Stay warm (and as dry as reasonably possible).

  20. Lauren Cossette says:

    OK, sounds good. I might pop by Bruggers just to make sure people are still running in this but otherwise, you can look for me at Breakheart. Near the lodge, gray Nissan Altima with a 26.2 sticker on the back window.

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