Last week’s weekend weather was a dramatic change from the warm weekday weather. With strong winds and freezing temperatures, the long 10 and 20 mile runs were more of a test of endurance than they typically are. The group was smaller than usual due to tunning on a Saturday, but about 30 runners braved he cold to complete their training runs.
This week the weather warmed back up however to continue to challenge you it has cooled back down as snow passes south of us. This weeks run is a recovery run, stepping back to 16 miles for marathoners and 8 for half marathoners.
we’ll start out running north on Main Street to Wakefield and a water stop at Nick’s. From there you’ll continue up Main Street to Lake Quanapowitt. If you’re running short turn left at Church Street and left at North Ave to get back to the water stop at Nick’s. From there you’ll hear south on Main Street back to Brueggers. If you’re running long, loop the lake counterclockwise bit stay on North Ave to return to the water stop at Nick’s.
after that water stop you’ll head out on Nahant over to Wakefield High School. Run up the hill to the Voc and enter Breakheart on the Wakefield side. Run a full loop counterclockwise, popping back out at the Voc. Run back down the hill, across Nahant, and back to Nicks. After this trip to Nicks you’ll head back to Melrose along Main Street to finish up at Brueggers.
Water Stops: I won’t be here this week so our good friend Lois will be coordinating the run this week. With Help from Hank she’ll take care of the one and only stop on this long run at Nicks.
For those who missed 20 miles last week and are looking to make up their 20, let us know and we’ll work out a bonus stop near Brueggers.
For those who chose to run their 20 miles at the Black Cat instead: Good Luck!
That’s it. Who’s in? Roll call!
I’m in for 16!
In for the full. Thanks Jim.
Stan in for a the full and Lois at the helm of hydration what could go wrong thanks Jim lol thanks Lois and everyone last week and every week couldn’t do the runs without you guys/girls
In for the full 🙂
In for the half !!
I’m in for the full. Freddi’s in for the half or ???? Thank you!!!!
Don’t forget to Spring ahead with your clocks! See you in the too-early, too-cold morning, y’all.
Judi and I RIFTF
In for the half. Thanks
In for the full, thanks everyone!
In for something. Just not sure if it will be half or full. Thank you so much!
Iflf thank you!