This week we recover from the 10 and the 20 milers from last week… unless of course you’re running the Black Cat 10 or 20 Miler in Stoneham. If you’ll be joining us you’re be meeting at Brueggers at 8AM on Sunday. Yeah, you heard that right! Brueggers is back!
The route this week is rather simple. Run up Main Street to Wakefield. Look for a water stop at Nick’s Pizza, across from the Jiffy Lube.
After a stop there, loop Lake Quannapowitt. Continue up Main Street, through Wakefield Center.
Running short? Bear left at Wakefield Center at Wakefield Common onto Common Street. Turn left at the church onto Church Street. When you hit North Ave head… wait for it… no, not north, head south on North (left) back to Nick’s. After a stop for some water head south on Main Street back to Melrose, back to Brueggers.
Running long? Keep on Main Street as it takes you along the east side of the lake. Bear left onto Lowell Street, then turn left onto Quannapowitt Parkway and follow the path past the Comverse building, over to North Ave. Turn left and run along North Ave until you get back to the Nick’s Pizza water stop.
After the stop keep going straight onto Nahant Street. That will bring you out to Farm Street, where you’ll cross and head up Hemlock Road past Wakefield High School and up to the Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational High School (The Voc). Keep going straight and you’ll find the entrance to Breakheart. Do a loop of Breakheart, counterclockwise. You’ll find a water stop at the Headquarters on the Saugus side.
After the water stop keep going counterclockwise along the flat side of Breakheart, bearing right at the pond, bringing you back to the Voc. Bop out of the woods there and trace your steps back to Nick’s Pizza, down Hemlock, across Farm, along Nahant. Back at Nick’s have yourself one more drink of water.
Time to head back home, south on Main Street, into Melrose Center, and home to Brueggers. Treat yourself after a good long run.
Water stops. This week Regina, Julie, and Lois will be providing water along the route. Enjoy.
Who’s in? Roll Call!
Don’t forget the time change. Don’t want to be an hour late!
I will be there for the eight miles but may get there early to do a couple miles first. Don’t leave without me!
In for the full
IFTF. Thanks.
Will do a short+ but not sure if I’ll start with the group or meet up along the way. (Run from home & the Breakheart loop looks like a likely combination)
Also may be joined by Lynda Field.
Iftf!! Yay Brueggers!!!
In for the full. Thanks!
IFTF too and then ordering my Salmon bagel afterwards.
In for the half plus some
In for the half…thanks Jim!
In for the full, thanks!
In for the half…thank you!
IFTH. Thanks!
In for half. Thank you!!
In for the full