Week 1 – Time to Start Training for the Fall

Sorry for the late notice of kicking off the SLR. My laptop keyboard has stopped working which made typing this tricky. If you’re a returning SLRer you might notice I’ve done a lot of cutting and pasting from the past…

It’s time to get the Sunday Long Run started! Join us at 8AM Sunday July 14 for the first run of the fall season.

New to this? Here’s how it works. We meet at Brueggers, collect $2.00 from those running the long run, $1.00 if you’re running short. Start the run. Each week there will be water stops about every three or four miles. The stops are there for a quick drink and a little snack if you need it. As the runs get longer (>14 miles)there will be gu around miles 7 and 14. If you need anything else you should practice carrying it for race day.

The program is 15 weeks, aiming for the Baystate Marathon. To train for a half you should already be able to run 5 miles comfortably and regularly. For a marathon your typical long run should already be a comfortable 10 miler. If you’re training for a different race at a different time in the fall, tailor your distances around existing water stops.

Maps for the run are located on the MRC SLR blog main page and turn by turn directions can be accessed from water stop to water stop on your smartphone by clicking the link below. Learn the routes please. You can print them out and wrap them in clear tape to waterproof them and bring them with you if you tend to be directionally challenged. Remember, if you wander of the route we won’t find you… because you’re lost. Here’s this week’s route…

This week’s run is short and sweet. We’ll head north on Main Street, bear right on Green Street and turn on the Lynn Fells Parkway. Follow that to the first set of lights where you tune left. Running short, you’ll turn left on Howard, back to a left on Green, merge back to Main and finish at Brueggers. Long runners will continue on Main Street in Saugus which will become Farm Steeet in Wakefield. Look for a water stop at Wakefield High School. Continue on Farm to a left at the end onto Water Street. This will bring you to Wakefield Center where you turn left on Main Street which will bring you back to Melrose and Brueggers.
After the run change into dry clothes and feel free to buy a bagel and a drink. Brueggers has graciously hosted us for a dozen years now, please respect their business! That means keep quiet before the run, get clean after the run, and patronize their business. Please refrain from bringing outside food in to their business.

Lastly, please respond to the blog post so I know you’re coming. The head count of people in for the full or half determines the amount of supplies at the water stop. I’ll do this week’s water stops and can use one helper, I think Lois is willing to help.
After this week I’ll be away for several weeks. I think Tom will be helping once or twice, I will reach out to Audrey, but we’re looking for more volunteers. If you’ve run with us in the past and aren’t training, please consider giving back to the program that gave something to you.

With that, it’s time for the Roll Call! Who’s in for the first run of the 2018 Fall training season?!

29 Responses to “Week 1 – Time to Start Training for the Fall”

  1. Bobby Taylor says:

    In for the full!

  2. Judith Dolan says:

    I will be there for 1/2 but starting a little early at 7:30. Mike will be a game time decision.

  3. Jeanne Boisseau says:

    I/2 with Judy at 7:30. Thanks!

  4. Regina Curran says:


    Julie, Mary and I are in for most of the full but starting early as we are doing
    the 5k at the lake! Thanks Jim

  5. Dan Slattery says:

    In for the full. Thanks JC. 🙂

  6. Donna Leggiero says:

    Hi Audrey and I are in for the full. Starting a little earlier to beat the heat! Thanks!

  7. Lauren Cossette says:

    IFTF. Thinking about starting a little early…

  8. Dave Bryson says:

    I am in for the full. Thanks

  9. Michael McLaughlin says:

    In for the full. Thanks

  10. Admiral Moon Lizard says:

    In for the slow and sweaty long

  11. Nicole Jacob says:

    Iftf—- and I could make myself/van available one weekend.

  12. Pam says:


  13. Jessica Crispin says:

    Christina and I are in for the full. Also starting a little early. Thank you

  14. Jenny Boshco says:

    In for the full. Thank you! So happy Sunday long runs are back!!

  15. Maryanne Martin says:

    In for the full….starting early…thx Jim!

  16. Sarah Pilcher says:

    Jess and I are in the full. We plan to leave at 7:30 am to beat the heat. Thanks!

  17. Rachel Bandi says:

    IFTF. Thank you!

  18. Lynda Field says:

    Often Paul Locke joining and maybe Duncan Locke!

  19. Lynda Field says:

    Ugh autocorrect messed with my message! IFTF! ????

  20. Linda Giesecke says:

    In for the full, starting at 7:30. Thanks!

  21. Katie Barnes says:

    In for the full

  22. Jackie Ecker says:

    In for the full but starting early to beat the heat. See you tomorrow!

  23. Judi says:

    IFTF please. Thank you.

  24. Jackie Ecker says:

    Haecha is in for the full and starting early too

  25. Andy says:

    IFTF – Thank you!

  26. Paul Locke says:

    Yes, In for the full, and Duncan is in for half

  27. Liz says:

    iFTF starting at 7:30

  28. Diana Mirabello says:


  29. Diana Mirabello says:

    I may start early as well. Depends on how early I can get up. Could just be wishful thinking.

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