Due to the Melrose Running Club Year End Gala (Saturday Night at 7PM at the Knights of Columbus) we’ll be doing our Sunday Long Run on Saturday this week (Brueggers 8AM Saturday Morning).
Due to the early arrival of ice and snow we’ll be forced to skip our first trip to Breakheart this year. I know you were looking forward to those hills, but instead you get a little longer, much flatter run. This week we’ll be heading to Lake Quannapowitt instead. I’ll try to get a map together tonight (although I’m also trying to get a video together for the party) but in case I don’t refer to the Week 3 map. The only difference we’ll have is instead of completely circling the lake, we’ll shorten it just a bit by returning to the water stop via North Ave. If you’ve done the Sunday Runs before you know what to do… if you don’t ask someone who does.
The water stops… BarryP are you up for a Saturday Morning visit to Melrose? If so, Jen, just bring the supplies to Brueggers (if you’re coming) and we’ll add to the bucket and give it to Barry. If that plan falls through I’ll need a volunteer to drop their car out there. Anyone?
That’s all I’ve got for now. ROLL CALL, who’s in?!
Ill be there for water stop duties!
Will miss because of kid’s hockey. Plan on running the route at some point later in the day and will see everyone on Saturday night.
I’ll be there to run. Thanks!
I’ll be there. And I know that shortcut well!
I’m in…and I signed up for the Hyannis half
I am not sure I am running (head cold) but either Dean or I will drop off the supply box for Barry at Bruegger’s a little before 8am. Hardly anything was used last run so it’s fully stocked. Jen
I’m on the fence too…head cold, cough, etc. Want to be in shape for dancing! I hope to be there thought, couldn’t stand another long run on the treadmill!
i’m not in. that’s right, you heard me. not in.
I’m tempted to skip the run since we’re missing out on Breakheart. I was totally looking forward to those icy hills. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to deal with the flat route. 😉 See you in the AM!
Still sick, so I don’t think running in the freezing cold is a good idea. However, I’ll most likely still be at the party
Was tempted to do part of the FtatAss 50K but common sense kicked in. I will be joining the few of you at Bruegers this Saturday morning.
Late to post, but Erin and I did two nice outer loops inside Breakheart. See you all t’night!
I guess I’ll leave an update here, too: I’m not sure I’ll be at the party. I’m still feeling pretty sick. Hope you guys have fun
If there are any Sunday runners…I am interested! Will check in AM.