Week 1 – Here We Go Again

Welcome to the 2014 Fall edition of the Sunday Long Run!

The program is geared towards training for the Baystate Marathon and its associated Half Marathon but little adjustments in mileage here and there will get you ready for any long distance race. We’re here to provide you with a structured and supported long run every Sunday from here to mid-October. For marathon trainees, the schedule is set up to increase your mileage from 10 miles (which you should be able to do comfortably) to 22 miles (the recommended longest training distance for a marathon). For a half we bring you up from 4 miles to 11. This is intended for a beginner half marathon, if you are a more experienced half marathoner you can be more aggressive with the miles. There are ways to cut from the marathon training distances or add to the half marathon distances to get more miles. I typically suggest an experienced half marathoner to get a good training run up to 15 or 16 miles in a few weeks before their race. Other than the long run, the rest of the training is up to you. A typical routine is the Sunday Long Run, a recovery run on Tuesdays, a speed training run on Thursdays, and “junk miles” on Friday. Depending on how well you recover you can add another easy run on any other day, or skip the Friday run and recover more. Its up to you, learn your body.

The Sunday Long Run is about training your entire body for a marathon. Your legs do most of the work, but your mind and your stomach are very important peripheral systems to keep your engine running for hours. Talk to other runners and learn how they succeed in long distance races. Try different foods and drinks along the way (typically new things should be tried during shorter runs and at the last water stop) and find out how your body reacts. Experiment with meals on Saturdays and Sunday morning to see how they help or hurt your Sunday Run, as well as meals on Sunday afternoon to figure out what helps you recover the best. The point is this isn’t easy, learn how to do it along the way.

With all that said, lets get on with the running. We’ll meet slightly before 8AM at Brueggers in Melrose. It’ll be nice out so we can meet outside on the sidewalk. Remember, Brueggers didn’t invite up, we invited ourselves… be wary that they are a food industry business and our presence there effects their customers impression of them. Try to stay out of the way of the bagel line and the cash register. Steer clear of patrons eating their breakfast at tables inside and out. Try not to be overly loud in your pre-run conversations. And after the run, patronize their business, and tip generously. They provide us a comfortable place to meet and a bathroom to use for free.

At 8AM I’ll go over the route with you and send you off. Note that all the routes for the entire training are mapped out in the link to the right of the Sunday Long Run webpage. Print one out and bring it with you for reference. You’ll get sweaty so a good trick is to put it in a plastic baggy.

This week we’ll run down Main Street towards the LynnFells Parkway. We’ll cut to Green Street on the right, by Melrose Wakefield Hospital, and follow that to a right on the LynnFells Parkway. Follow the Parkway to Main Street in Saugus (the first set of lights you get to) and be careful to use sidewalks or run single file along this road. People drive fast and there are spots where visibility isn’t great and the road side is narrow. Be aware that not all drivers are aware you’re there! At the set of light turn left. Note to shorter runners, the map says to turn left prior to Main Street, ignore that and go all the way to Main Street.

Shorter distance runners turn left at the next set of lights onto Howard Street. I’ll have a quick water stop there for you. I’ll man it for most of the time, but you just might find a jug of water and cups and a plastic bag. Grab a drink and put your trash in the bag, I’ll pick it up later. Once you’re done there follow Howard Street back to Green Street. Take a left on Green and follow it back to Main Street and follow that back to Brueggers. You’re done!

Longer distance runners follow Main Street in Saugus which will become Farm Street in Wakefield. You’re roll over a few hills along the way and find Wakefield High School where we’ll have the first water stop of the year for you. Drink up, have a little snack, and keep on moving!  Continue on Farm Street to a set of lights at a T intersection. This is Water Street where you’ll go left to Wakefield Center. When you get to the center you’ll go left on Main Street. This street will bring you back to Melrose and back to Brueggers. You’re done!

Then we’ll sit around and have coffee.

I forgot to mention, short runners bring a dollar to cover you water stop supplies, long runners bring two dollars. If you want to commit to a full season of running and not have to remember to bring money each week you can give me $15 for the half training season and $30 for the full season.

Any Questions, post them here, I or someone else will gladly answer.

So who’s in for the Fall of 2014 Sunday Long Run Training Season? It’s time for the weekly ROLL CALL!!!

21 Responses to “Week 1 – Here We Go Again”

  1. Paul Locke says:

    Cameron, Duncan and I will be at the VERT race this week, but will rejoin the Long Runners next week.

  2. Dan Slattery says:

    Hey Jim – IFTF or close to it. Let’s chat in the am as to if you still need a water stop (Howard for ex) manned… 🙂

  3. Dorota Bulik says:


    Thanks Jim and welcome back ????

  4. Michele DeAngelo says:

    In for the full…
    Thank you for all you do.. And yes, welcome back.
    And a special thank you to all that help out thru the season at the water stops. It would be impossible without all the help.????????

  5. Michele DeAngelo says:

    Dumb phone!!!

  6. Judy Dolan says:

    A group of us did the 8.8 today. It’s hot out there! You’ll need the 2 water stops. Enjoy your run.

  7. Lauren Cossette says:

    In for the full. <— First time I have said that in… 4+ years?! I have to fly as soon as the run is over but I look forward to seeing everyone!

  8. Jackie Ecker says:

    In for the full and bringing a friend who’s in for the half. Looking forward to it!

  9. Thuy says:

    In for the full…thanks Jim!

  10. Hi, welcome back, Jim and everyone returning! I am in for the full route. Thanks to all water stop helpers!

  11. Nicole says:

    In for the full… quite nervous about it! My running has been slacking since Half in May… Plus, first run since joining the running club! Pointers and tips greatly appreciated!

  12. Don Keren says:

    IFTF and probably a few more

  13. Joe Winslow says:

    IFTF Let the fun begin!

  14. Dorota Bulik says:

    No reason to be nervous Nicole. We’re a friendly lot (except for Dan ????). Go over the map beforehand so you know the route. We come in all pace flavors, so I’m sure you’ll find someone to run at least part of the course.
    Beats going out there by yourself in this scorching heat. If we are lucky we may even get ice water.
    Welcome and make yourself at home ????

  15. Jessi Marquardt says:

    Yay!!!! Sunday long runs!! I can’t miss the first one but will only be running a little as I will be running to the VERT race!! Can’t wait to see everyone every Sunday! Woo hoo!

  16. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’m in gonna try the full!

  17. Christina Antico says:


  18. Molly McGunigle says:

    IFTF too! Looking forward to it!

  19. Dan Slattery says:

    Hello Nicole. A couple of quick fun facts: Dorota will be appearing weekly at Giggles comedy club and the ? mark in Poland actually stands for a !…who knew? 🙂

  20. Kelly Walsh says:

    In for the half…

  21. Ashley DeAcetis says:

    IFTF Jim! Thank you for all that you do! So glad to have SLR back into my routine!! 🙂

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