[Drivers – email me your cell phone numbers JimCarson@MelroseRunningClub.com]
Click the links below and study it well:
THE PLAN (Updated @15:17)
Thanks to all that have volunteered their cars for this week’s run. Opting for the bigger cars, here’s what I think I have for seats (including a driver). We have more seats than runners so things are looking good, still room for a few more though. Jen Dodge, I removed her as a driver, replacing her with Ginny. She’s still welcome to come along and help with the water stops… and even run a bit if she wants. Paul Donahue, you’re off the hook for donating your car since I’d rather Ginny drive her own. We’re still planning on using the Locke Minivan though, if that’s ok. Brian Walfield, I may swap your car out for mine if the numbers stay as they are.
Note: We’re meeting just before 7AM behind Brueggers on Sunday Morning! They’ll be a more detailed plan out tomorrow, but the key points are drivers show up around 6:30 so we can load up the cars correctly. Runners show up around 6:45 and find your spots. We want to pull out of the parking lot around 7 so we can be running by 8. Also we’ll be going to the Dockside in Wakefield on Sunday afterwards, usually around 1 or 2PM for lunch so if you can, ย join us!
CARS [Drivers]
(8) Hentschel – [Derek Hentschel]
(7) McGunigle – [Molly McGunigle]
(7) Locke – [Sue Clough]
(7) Walfield – [Jim Carson]
(7) Rowe – [Ginny Rowe]
(5) Rushton – [Jeff Rushton]
(5) Fitzgerald – [Mike Fitzgerald]
(5) Kane (plus 2 kids) – [Catherine Kane]
(51) Total Seats
1-3 | Catherine Kane | |
4 | Derek Hentschel | |
5 | Ginny Rowe | |
6 | Jeff Rushton | |
7 | Jim Carson | |
8 | Mike Fitzgerald | |
9 | Molly McGunigle | |
10 | Sue Clough |
If you don’t see your name on the list and you plan on running, or you know someone is running and they didn’t put their name on the list, let me know as soon as possible, I want to make sure we don’t run out of seats! In my cold medicine delirium on Sunday I seem to recall others wanting to come. Please Post Here! |
If you see your car on the list and you didn’t really mean to volunteer it, let me know now!
If you see yourself listed as a driver but you were planning on running, not driving, let me know now!
Otherwise I think we’re in good shape.
Hi Jim, Sorry to chime in late. I will have my minivan available and can take 7 passengers if that helps. Plus minivans are ideal for people that want to quickly change out of wet clothes with a little privacy. I would liker o run the first 5 or 6. then drive the rest of the way. This might work out with Sue W. plan to drive the first 5 and run the next 16. I look for an update to see if this works out. If not, I’ll drive the whole route and run when we get back to Melrose. Thanks, and get better!
Does this scenario have me running or driving or both…Just want to know for planning purposes. Thanks Jim! I hope you’re feeling better ๐
Hi Jim! Hope your feeling better!! I wish I was able to be there this weekend! Have a great run everyone!!! See you next week! Ps. I took a day off for marathon Monday and would love to cheer you guys on but will be all alone. Anyone cheering want to join me or can I tag along with anyone?
HI! I can fit up to 4 runners who want to deal with my 2 angels :). Rest up and hydrate all you runners. Jessi, there is a large support group of MRC members that cheer at mile 20. I won’t be able to go this year but details will come up as the marathon gets closer. See you all Sunday!
Hi jim,
Hope its not too late. I would like to run. I am thinking maybe 10 or 11 miles – if that can work out. I can help with the driving and water stops if needed. Thanks.
Jim, I am definitely not running Sunday so can drive the whole route.
Jessi-when marathon gets closer, we will post on the forum. We usually meet at Breuggers and caravan over to the hills of Newton. Glad you can come!
Hi Jim, I would much rather take the crv instead of the van if I can. 5 total instead of 7. Let me know if this can work. Thanks!
Brian, So far that works, and if the numbers stay as they are I may even chose to drive my car instead of yours.
ok, I’ll check back early
tomorrow to make sure things haven’t changed
Jim, Kenny and I will not be running tomorrow. We decided to do our long run today. Sorry. Please let me know if you need an extra driver. I am happy to assist!
I decided to run Saturday with the weather being what it is. I hope this doesn’t screw any planning up.
For all of you that ran on Saturday instead, unfortunately I’m going to have to hold you to running again on Sunday. Just kidding. Hope you had a good run. We’ll miss you tomorrow.
Hello Runners!
Judy Phothimath is going to join us as well. We both have to be back right after. So we will meet you in Hopkinton!
Tiffany ๐
Hi Jim. Sorry for the last unite change of plans but I am going to skip the run today. I sent you a text. Jessica
Tiffany, Are you running the whole course and then getting back to Hopkinton on your own or just running half and then running back? Just so I know what water stops to expect you at? Let me know in Hopkinton.