For all of you that participated in the Sunday Long Runs this winter, it’s time to celebrate! For all of those that finished a grueling Boston, or ran your first half, or any half, and to those with marathons and halfs coming up over the next few weeks, you’ve earned yourself one BIG breakfast!!!
This year we’ll be holding the brunch at Nancy’s house on Sunday April 29th at about 10AM. This is a pot luck brunch. Bring a bit of food and we’ll meet after our informal long run on Sunday and raise a toast to all you runners. The address is 14 Linden Place in Melrose. Its off of Green St, but if you park over in the Johnnies parking lot its right across the street.
As far as the run goes, what are people up for? I was thinking we could start a little early and do Horn Pond? That’s 14 miles, people can tack on summer route miles to extend. I’ll do some impromptu water stops if I’m not running. Sound good? I’ll link a map HERE later.
Post here if you’re running, if your coming to brunch, and what you’re bringing to brunch.
Also, spread the word. I’ll try to e-mail people, but if you know some people (like Mystics) let them know to stop by.
Hey Jim.
The SLR Plan (with VT in mind) has us doing Swains and Breakheart, so I’m planning on that – hoping to do 18 or close to it. I may miss the Breakfast.
Hey Jim,
I’ll do whatever you post for a long run. Hopefully get to Nancy’s after.
I will bring muffins….
What time at Brueggers??????
I’m in for the run, probably only 14. I’ll bring crumb cake to the breakfast!
I’m going to run 18 miles. Whatever route is fine with me. I’m thinking of starting at 7am to make it to the brunch. I’ll bring baked brie to share!
I’m in for the run to Horn Pond and the brunch! I’ll bring some fruit.
I’m in for running and will definitely start 7 AM. I plan on doing ~18. Not sure if I make it to Nancy afterwards.
I plan to do 18. I’ll do whatever route and time.
Love Horn Pond! Will try to shorten the route to 9-10. I will bring apple walnut bundt cake to brunch
I have a OSHA class from 8 – 12 in Beverly. Not sure what I’m bringing but it’ll be from Farmland. Let me know if 12:30 arrival is too late and if I should skip the brunch. Thanks.
I plan to meet up with Gillian somewhere along the route and go to the brunch after. I will bring “one pan cheese danish”….. Derek is coming too hope thats ok….
In for the brunch and possibly some portion of the run. I will bring quiche. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
I’d like to run to Horn. Cinnamon Toast, Honey and Butter.
Jim could you post route? I will prob start at Friendly’s. Also changed my brunch item to chocolate raspberry squares.
I’m in for Horn Pond 🙂 will bring egg/cheese dish
What time are we going from Brueggers?
Every May we make a trip to Horn Pond instead of repeating the routes the group has run all winter, plus the Horn Pond route makes water stops a bit more managable.
The route is linked in the original post now. It has us going up Franklin St into Stoneham and back along Spot Pond.
Ill plan on handling the water stops on my own, but for people that are running shorter, I could use a car at Eugene St to leave stuff at for the speedier runners in the group.
See you all in the morning, 8AM unless you want to get a little head start. The water stops will be planned for the 8AM time, then I’m heading over to Nancy’s… maybe more like 10:30 for brunch…
Revised to D’Amici apple pie.
I’m in. Not sure what I’ll bring?
Hi love to run horn pond, I will join someone?? at Eugene and try to run a bit over 6 miles. I am bringing scones…..
I’m in for the run. Not sure if I’ll be able to make brunch yet… see you in the morning!
I’ll join in at Friendly’s or Eugene, then brunch after. I’ll bring some kind of muffins.
I’m in for the run and brunch – with bacon/tomato quiche.
I’m in for the run. I’ll bring champaign if someone can bring some OJ.
I am in for the run but will need to skip brunch. Are we starting at 7 or 8
In for the run…I will bring some bagels w/ cream cheese.
Hi All,
Changed my mind, bringing fruit. Is it 7 or 8?????
Bringing bacon…… to the brunch, not the run!
Are you still looking for a car at Eugene? I could park my car there.
Horn Pond Route, 8am start, sounds good – see you then