Sunday Long Run Brunch

This Sunday will be the last Sunday Long Run of 2010. Following with tradition, we’ll end our run with a brunch to celebrate all we’ve accomplished in the fall of 2010. All that ran with us are welcome to join in at the home of Michele D’Angelo, 66 Robin Hood Rd, Stoneham at 10AM. There will be a short run at 8AM from Brueggers for those that haven’t had enough of it yet, then we’ll drive on over to Michele’s. The brunch is pot luck style, bring your favorite late morning dish or drink to share with others. Please let us know that you’re coming and what you’ll be bringing so we can plan accordingly.

See you Sunday!

21 Responses to “Sunday Long Run Brunch”

  1. Carol Carstensen says:

    Oops just posted in the forum – somehow thought I was here. Anyway – looking forward to the brunch – I will bring quiche. See you all Sunday!

  2. Mary Corbett says:

    I’ll be there with Jim Carson-friendly pumpkin muffins. I may even make it out for the run as well. I’m sending super healing power thoughts out to all the Philly runners for speedy recoveries and happy tapers.

  3. Sue Clough says:

    I’ll be running 12 miles, so won’t have time to bring anything warm. I’ll bring a cranberry pecan bread.

  4. David Hayes says:

    Hi, wow another season nearing its close. I want to make crepes, but unfortunately too much to do on Saturday – still time for sourdough french toast and real maple syrup.

  5. Barry Petzold says:

    I’ll be there!! Not sure what ill bring yet…

  6. Dorota Bulik says:

    I’ll be there also. I’ll make crepes, sinve I dont’ have to compete with Dave’s 😀

  7. Maryanne Martin says:

    I am running Breakheart in the early morning but will arrive to Michele’s close to 10 AM. So as not to subject anyone to my cooking/baking abilities, I will bring a Mediterranean platter (hummus, taboule, feta/black olives and pita/crackers). Thanks for hosting Michele!

  8. Betty Cooper says:

    I’m babysitting my daughters puppy for the weekend and will be unable to attend. The SLR’s are a great way to train. Thank you for helping me achieve my goal and I hope to run again with you guys next session! Good luck to all the Philly marathoners!

  9. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    I’ll be there! Psyched to be running a shorter run before the big one!

    Not sure what i’ll bring yet. i’ll update with a post as soon as i’m certain.

  10. Courtnay White says:

    I won’t be there!! First Sunday without a long run my family grabed me to do some things. Don’t they know Sunday mornings are just for running. I ran New York last Sunday it was amazing and unbelieveable I loved it. See you all for the next session in July I ll just be doing the halfs. Happy holidays!!I may also try to get to the Tuesday evening runs too.

  11. Kristen says:

    I will be coming by…and I don’t want to give anyone food poisoning a week before Philly so I will bring a basket of mini muffins (NOT baked by me)

  12. Nick Lamberti says:

    Hi All!

    Will make the bunch, not sure on the run! I will bring two bottles of Dom Perigon (Ha, Ha) & OJ!


  13. Peter Fopiano says:

    I’ll bring an apple pie.

  14. Judi Chiavetta says:

    Bummer-I can’t make it. I will be in church (not kidding) at a mass for John’s Dad. Sooooo, I will say a prayer for everyone running races this weekend!! Bring leftovers on Tuesday:)

  15. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    i’ll bring some fruit.

  16. Jim says:

    If there’s gonna be apple pie, i’ll bring some vanilla ice cream for it. Save me a piece!!!

  17. Brian Walfield says:

    I can’t make the brunch but I’ll be running.Is anyone other than Sue running Sunday?

  18. Erin Lynch says:

    I won’t be there this time. Have fun and enjoy.

    Happy tapering and best wishes for injury free running for the Philly runners. ‘


  19. Jose Viveiros says:

    I plan to run sunday morning and keep Sue company make sure she dont go to hard on her taper. will come to Michele’s after. wil try to bring a blue berry pie or something and wish our runners good luck at Phily

  20. Ginny Rowe says:

    Sorry not to be there in person to wish all you Philly runners bon chance! (one of Kevins’ cousins passed away yesterday a.m., so we’re busy with getting to the wake, and getting his elderly family members there as well). Hope brunch is delicious; I’m sure it is. Happy taper everyone!

  21. Allison Cunningham says:

    Unfortunately, I can’t make it either, as we have company coming that morning. Good luck to all the Philly runners and have a blast everyone, drink and eat a bit for me! 🙂

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