Sunday Long Run Breakfast

With another round of marathons over (Manchester and New York) and one more that I know of to go (Valley of Fire) it’s time to start planning the Sunday Long Run Breakfast, our training season ending celebration of all the unbelievable efforts given this fall. I’m guessing our Valley of Fire runners won’t be back in time, but the breakfast is planned for Sunday November 22nd. The Cossettes have agreed to host the event this season in their brand new kitchen. Unless the plans change the breakfast will begin at 9AM so those that want to get a run in before hand can.

The SLR Breakfast is pot luck, bring what you like and share with your fellow runners. So that we don’t end up with hundreds of deviled eggs or something post here if you can make it and let us know what you’re bringing.

See you in a few weeks!

34 Responses to “Sunday Long Run Breakfast”

  1. Ginny Rowe says:

    I plan on going, and I’ll bring delightfully, sinful, frenchtoast. Thank you Lauren and Barry for hosting.

  2. Judi C says:

    Bummer- I can’t make it:( My 8 year old goddaughter is in town that weekend and we’re running a 5k together that morning. So sad to miss it, but bring the leftovers on Tuesday!!

  3. Carol Carstensen says:

    I plan on being there – but will have to report back later as to what I will bring. Thanks also to Lauren & Barry for hosting and I look forward to seeing everyone!

  4. Sue Clough says:

    Do I get to come even though I didn’t do a marathon?

  5. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    Of course, Silly Suzie! This isn’t a “marathon” breakfast, it is Sunday Long Run breakfast. Everyone who set foot out of Bruegger’s at 8am on Sundays with us is a part of the celebration.

    I’m in. Not sure what I’ll bring, but I’m definitely in!

  6. Catherine Kane says:

    Sorry, we will be away that weekend but thank you Lauren and Barry for hosting. Would love to see your beautiful new kitchen! Someone else will have to bring the bacon…

  7. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    Hey, this sounds like fun and I missed the one last year. I am not as chipper and “go get em” as the rest of the long run group so can I just wake up and come over in my workout get-up….gasp…before a workout? I am not a baker or even a cook, but I can bring fruit salad and a nice quiche….with bacon in it even. Will look back to this site as we get closer to the date.

  8. Barry Cossette says:

    You can assume that Lauren and I will be there. I plan on making mini breakfast burritos and Lauren is still brainstorming. See you Sunday!

  9. Lauren Cossette says:

    We’ll also have coffee and beverages! Our address is: 53 Meriam Street, Wakefield. It’s just over the Melrose line, close to the Subaru dealership on Main St. Can’t wait to celebrate with everyone! 🙂

  10. Rachelle Horwitz says:

    I’ll be there! Might not be for long, but I’ll be there in the beginning at least. Still deciding what to bring. Most likely muffins? I’m not much of a breakfast chef.

  11. Trevor O'Shea says:

    I wont be able to attend 🙁 for I Will be running the Valley of Fire.
    I hope everyone has a good time at the brekkie.


  12. Nancy says:

    I’ll be there, maybe make something like a potato hash

  13. Jim says:

    Unless plans make some unforeseen changes it looks like I will be back in time for breakfast. After taking care of your Sunday Morning breakfasts of Gu, Gatorade and Snickers for the whole season, I may bring just my appetite for this one… unless people want more Gu, Gatorade, and Snickers.

  14. Mary Corbett says:

    I’ll be there and I invite anyone who is interested to join me for a pre-breakfast run (possibly Breakheart?) to get the appetite up. I’m not sure what to bring, maybe mini quiches or mini muffins.

  15. liz tassinari says:

    i plan on coming, orange almond buttermilk scones

  16. Sue Clough says:

    Still deciding what to bring….should I bring the juices? I’ll figure something out!

  17. Erin Lynch says:

    Count me in! I will bring carrot cake muffins.

  18. Lauren Cossette says:

    Sue, juices would be perfect. I think we’ll have an abundance of food!

  19. Nick Lamberti says:

    I think I will be able to make it, anyone else for the 8 AM run?

  20. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    What else do we need. It does seem like we have a lot of food. I do have a bottle of champagne in my fridge that i could bring for mimosas (sue, bring oj). but what else? plates, plastic forks, knives, etc…?

  21. I will bring a fruit salad. Yes, it sounds like we have alot of food.
    Let me know if we need anything else.
    Looking forward to sunday.

  22. Lauren Cossette says:

    I’ve actually gots lots of plasticware left over from our summer with no sink. Champagne is good though! I was planning on mimosas but only got as far as the orange juice.

  23. Rick Collette says:

    As Christopher Walken says, “Have a little champagna with the continental”. So I’ll bring a few bottles of the Bubbly!


  24. Sue Clough says:

    If anyone wants to join us, (I think Nancy and Lois and me) are running at 7:30, probably 10ish miles…..I will bring lots of juice, and maybe some bloody mary fixings…..seems the champagne is taken care of.

  25. Rachelle Horwitz says:

    Change in food plans: I think I’m bringing pumpkin flax bread. If I burn it, I’ll bring store-bought muffins from Trader Joe’s.

  26. Nick Lamberti says:


    Where is the 7:30 run leaving from?


  27. Jennifer Rapaport says:

    Change in food plan for me too. I went to 3 stores and could not find quiche anywhere! Apparently it’s only men who don’t eat it:-) I am bringing fruit salad and Dunkin Dark Roast ground coffee. See you in the am.

  28. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    leaving from Nancy’s house. Come join us!

  29. John Lynch says:

    Sorry for the late notice…but I would love to see my running friends too. Will stop in at Bakery. All the best! John

  30. Carol Carstensen says:

    I’ve been wavering on what to make and since Jennifer is not bringing quiche I will make one. Thanks Jen!

  31. Peter Fopiano says:

    I’ll be there. Still indecisive about what to bring…

  32. Erin Lynch says:

    What is the Cossette’s address? I can not seem to find it anywhere in the SLR or Forum portion of the site?


  33. Rachelle Horwitz says:

    53 Meriam Street, Wakefield. Hope you get this, Erin!

  34. Rick Collette says:

    Thank you!!

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