Nice Run… Let’s Eat!

This Sunday, go for a little run at 8AM and then join us for the Sunday Long Run Brunch. We’ll start things up at about 10AM. The brunch is a pot luck, everybody should drop a note here and let us know what you’re bringing.

The Brunch is at:

Kelly Walsh’s house
194 Warwick Rd

See you there,

22 Responses to “Nice Run… Let’s Eat!”

  1. Audrey Paradis says:

    Can’t wait to celebrate with all of you… And eat! I’ll be bringing a coffee roll from Kane’s! 🙂

  2. Paul Locke says:

    I may skip the run (blame it on the rain, but I really just want to drink coffee and read the paper). I’ll try a Sweet Potato Oatmeal Breakfast Casserole (vegan).

    Audrey, will you need help carrying the Kane’s coffee roll? It probably weighs as much as you do…

    See you Sunday!

  3. Michele DeAngelo says:

    I’ll probably run earlier. See you all at Kelly’s.
    I’ll bring fruit.
    Thank you, Kelly for hosting.????

  4. Molly McGunigle says:

    Count me in for run and breakfast. I will bring a fruit salad

  5. Michele DeAngelo says:

    Suppose to be ????????????????

  6. Michele DeAngelo says:

    ????… Really suppose to be happy face..

  7. Kelly Walsh says:

    Looking forward to seeing everyone. Hope the rain holds out. Will have some coffee and munchies. Our doorbell is broken so just come in. The house is grey and and a two family. We are on the right. You can park on the street or in my driveway. See you tomorrow.

  8. Judi Chiavetta says:

    I’ll bring fruit………just kidding. I’ll have an assortment of Panera bagels 🙂

  9. Sue w says:

    I’m planning to come, not sure yet what I’ll bring

  10. Lisa Hentschel says:

    I plan to come but not run. Derek has to work so he won’t be coming. I’ll bring “One Pan cheese danish” (as long as they come out ok… ….) Thanks Kelly!

  11. Nancy Gaudet says:

    I’ll bring some champagne and OJ

  12. Jeff Cook says:

    In for run I hope at 8 will bring treats to brunch

  13. Sue Clough says:

    I am running first and will bring chocolate zucchini muffins

  14. Tom Gorman says:

    I plan to run my last long run at Lake Q tomorrow before the brunch. I’ll pick up something from the Gingerbread Baking Co. while I’m up there.

  15. Gillian Petrozziello says:

    I’ll be coming off a night shift but I’ll try to stop by for a bite. Not sure what I’ll bring.

  16. Brian Walfield says:

    No run for me. I’ll stop by Kelly’s. Not sure what i’ll bring?

  17. Alicia Furbush says:

    No run for me either. Will maybe walk the lake beforehand if I can and will be there after. Thanks Kelly for hosting. I will bring bagels or muffins.

  18. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’ll be there after 10 and will bring croissants.

  19. Brian Walfield says:

    Does anyone need a water stop for there run?

  20. Kelly Walsh says:

    All ready to eat! Feel free to bring who ever you want. My kids have been looking out the window for an hour now waiting… My # is 781-910-9436 if anyone gets lost.

  21. Alicia Furbush says:

    Thanks so much Kelly for hosting! Fun time. Love your house and the area. Hope to see you soon!

  22. Jeff Cook says:


    Thanks for hosting the brunch

    Lots of great food and great conversation

    Thanks again fellow runners it’s a lot easier to get training in with other crazies.

    Melrose strong

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