May 6th

Good luck to those heading down to Providence for a marathon or half this week! Back here there will be a 22 mile training run for the Vermont City Marathoners, and a long run for the post-Boston/pre-Sugarloafers. I will most likely not be around for the run, but the runners will need support. If you’ve gotten anything out of the Sunday Run and you haven’t volunteered to give anything back yet, this would be a good time to help out with a water stop. Post here if you’re running or you can help a runner.

6 Responses to “May 6th”

  1. Dan Slattery says:

    Thanks Jim. It appears that Sunday is the preferred day so far, and that the Mystic Lakes route might work, provided there are enough water stops/ volunteers (thank you to any assisting-in advance!). I’m in for 22.

  2. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    I can do an early water stop as I have to be somewhere by 10. i’ll get some supplies – Dan, GU flavor requests?

  3. Kaj Kandler says:

    So let it be Mystic Lakes. Shall I leave my car at Eugene road for first and last?

    I’ll do park the car and then do a pre-run to Briefer’s, in time for an 8AM start. Let me know if I should be in a diferent location.

  4. Kaj Kandler says:

    For Mystic Lakes, should we consolidate the water stops in Winchester, instead of the school, run back to the one on Highland Ave? Then run back Highland ave.

  5. Alastair Drummond says:

    I can also leave my car at a stop.. and I AM doing the 22, so let me know if I can help. I don’t have materials, but I can offer some things..
    See you tomorrow.

  6. Lois Parker Carmona says:

    i will leave the GUs in Kaj’s car on Eugene for the second pass you all make. have a great run. maybe i’ll see you at Bruegger’s after you’re done.

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