Good Luck to all of you running Boston on Monday! You’ve toughened up through the harshest of winters, you’ve trained hard to be ready, all that’s left is to go run 26.2 miles. I hope for the best for each of you and can’t wait to hear how well it went!
For the rest of you, the first unofficial SLR is being organized over in the Melrose Running Club group on Facebook. They’ll be meeting at Brueggers at 8 and heading over to Breakheart for a loop around. I guess they missed those hills. There will be a water stop at Breakheart in the parking lot. I’m hoping to get over there to join in on a loop myself and plan to have some snacks in my trunk and I have a few gallons of water and a gatorade or two left.
Keep your eyes on Facebook for further unoffical SLR planning.