Archive for the ‘Winter 2010’ Category

Week 5 -Breakheart it is!

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Sorry for the late post this week, I’ve been waiting to see what the weather report is…

Last I checked, as everything south of us gets slammed with 2 feet of snow, the high pressure that’s keeping it cold here will mean we have only flurries in our future. For the first time this year this cold has been a good thing! So what does this all mean, it means (unless I hear its icy there) that the long runners are headed to Breakheart for the first time this season. Something some people are looking forward to while others are dreading.

The shorter distance runners can do one of two things, run the posted 6 mile route, which turns off the main route pretty early and unless I get an extra volunteer won’t have a waterstop, or do what many do and carpool from Brueggers over to J Pace’s in Saugus where we turn off the LynnFells Pkwy. If you join in there and run Breakheart with us you’ll run about 7 miles and get 2 water stops!

Speaking of water stops, I believe Barry is available to help and if that’s true, that’s all I need.

Cold weather. If anyone has any tips for the less experienced long runners, post them here. There is a link under the weather outlook on Sunday Long Run main page “What to Wear” that lets you plan your running clothes based on the weather conditions you input. Basically dress in layers, you’ll get hot and cold at different times throughout the run.

Some will be testing out their racing skills at the Great Stew Chase tomorrow, but let’s see who’s planning on running with us tomorrow. ROLL CALL! Who’s in!

Week 4 – Two Times The Degrees

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

In the early days of the Sunday Long Run, about 4 years ago, it was difficult to get more runners than degrees in the temperature. That was because there were only 5 of us and if the temperature was 5 only 2 of us would show up. Last year for the first time we achieved the milestone, attracting about 25 runners when it was in the low 20s. This morning we PRed by having 23 runners leave Brueggers into 11 degree temps. Twice the runners than degrees!

Heading north on Main up to Ell Pond we were greeted by some wind. The wind had died down some from the gusts from the last two days but the wind chill was still reported as -5. All bundled up the long route runners made a loop of Ell Pond while the short route runners headed straight along the Fells. Mike and Michelle took the lead with a group of about 5 right on their heels. Judi and I hung back a bit, me because I’m slower than them, Judi because she did an 18 mile training run the day before. The loop of the little pond made one thing obvious, facing north and west was going to be cold, south in east would be manageable. As we came back around to the LynnFells Parkway Tim came up and joined Judi and I, and I tried to pawn her off on him so I could run slower. We stuck together until the hills and then I let them go ahead, only to meet back up with them at Water Stop 1.

BarryP and Whitney served up the water stop refreshments at Grimsby’s, about 3.5 miles into the full route. A quick sip of warm Gatorade (a treat on a cold day) and we were off, trying to keep from getting too cold on our break. Walt joined Judi and I for this stretch, becoming the 24th runner of the day. Again we ran together until we hit hills, the big hills of the Fellsway East, and I let those two go on as I trailed behind. With the wind at our back and more than enough running gear to keep me from freezing, this stretch started to get warm, and clothes became damp with sweat. Turning onto Highland Ave this worked against me though as the wind picked up and the damp clothes amplified the cold. I scuffled along watching Walt and Judi pull up to the second water stop ahead of me.

Rick was manning this stop with his friend Jake, a big hairy dog that didn’t seem at all bothered by the cold weather. Barry and Whitney were also at this stop, for the second of 5 times we’d see Barry along the route. Again keeping the stop quick I washed a Snickers down with a Gatorade and was on the move. Whitney jumped in with Judi and the two pulled ahead into the distance as we circled Spot Pond. I put my headphones on and let some music keep me company and pull me along. At Straw Point Barry was serving refreshments but I passed by feeling good and not wanting to risk breaking momentum. Here Joanne and Liz would also join in the run, bringing the total runners to 26, the predicted high temperature for the day as well. Off to the Stone Zoo I noticed Carol was very close behind, and Judi and Whitney (having stopped for water) were now just in front of me. Judi turned down to Wyoming Ave to finish off her 10 mile run and I trudged along sticking between Whitney and Carol. This side of the pond had a lot of evidence of the wind from the past few days. Snow from the pond had blown up over the banks and covered the sidewalk that had been clear of snow since the last storm, looking like snow drifts from the arctic.

The next water stop was back at Rick’s car. Another quick sip and a Gu and Carol and I headed out, while Whitney ended with 5 windy miles. Up East Border Rd and through the hills of the Lynn Fells things were feeling good. Making good time I snuck up on Barry’s  car, now back at Grimsby’s for another stop. Carol ran by heading up the LynnFells hill and back to the stop to put in an extra little bit, shooting for 15 miles I assume. I passed here headed up the hill as she backtracked to the water, the last MRC encounter I would have before extending my run. From here I traced the MRC Summer route to make my run about 18 miles.

Along the LynnFells, over to Porter and down Upham St I went, everything feeling fine. Along Lebanon my knee started to ache but I ignored it, pushing through past Wyoming Cemetery. The climb up to Forest St took a toll on my legs and feeling weary and fading fast I headed over to Main St. With just over a mile left I turned onto Main. My legs were beat, my clothes were wet, and the wind got stronger. With windchills still near zero I had a hard time keeping a pace that generated enough heat to keep me warm. I wanted to walk a bit, having ramped up to 18 miles in 4 weeks was proving much more difficult than I had planned. A marathon shuffle, usually seen in the 26th mile of a marathon, was my only way back to Brueggers. I staggered through the door, 18 miles done, head a little dizzy, and plopped down on the first chair I could find. A rough run in a ridiculous cold. And thanks to Mike Urquiola I quickly had a hot cup of coffee and a little food in front of me to bring me back from the brink. Thanks Mike!

And thanks again to Rick and Jake and Barry and Whitney for putting up with such frigid conditions to keep all of us runners safe and healthy!

Week 2 – Let’s get serious!

Friday, January 15th, 2010

We started with Week 0, a snowy escapade through Saugus challenging every step of the 8.8 miles. We progressed to Week 1, rerouted due to icy snow at Breakheart we instead did a frigid march up and around Lake Quannapowitt. Both weeks tested the resolve of even the most die-hard Sunday Runner. Hopefully things change a bit for Week 2.

What’s in store? The old Melrose Half Marathon! As temperatures strain to stay above freezing for the first time in 2010, we should be able to get our run in before the next winter storm stops by. The footing should be better and the challenge should be the actual run rather than surviving the conditions. There will be plenty of hills along the way, two water stops to keep us hydrated, and 12.5 miles to get us back in shape!

The water stops will be located on Highland Ave by the Flynn Rink rotary, right by the Mobil Station. You’ll break there at about 3.5 miles and if you’re running the full route again around 8.5 miles. The shorter 7.1 route runners will join us for the first stop before heading over to Pond St and back to Melrose.  Not ready for those distances? A five mile run more your style? Volunteer to man the first water stop, meet us there with the supplies and run a loop of Spot Pond with the long route runners back to your car! If anyone wants to do that, let me know before I ask for other volunteers to set it up.

Who’s coming? Sunday! 8AM! Roll Call!!! (if enough people show up I’ll actually write a recap this week)

Week 1 – Saturday Edition

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Due to the Melrose Running Club Year End Gala (Saturday Night at 7PM at the Knights of Columbus) we’ll be doing our Sunday Long Run on Saturday this week (Brueggers 8AM Saturday Morning).

Due to the early arrival of ice and snow we’ll be forced to skip our first trip to Breakheart this year. I know you were looking forward to those hills, but instead you get a little longer, much flatter run. This week we’ll be heading to Lake Quannapowitt instead. I’ll try to get a map together tonight (although I’m also trying to get a video together for the party) but in case I don’t refer to the Week 3 map. The only difference we’ll have is instead of completely circling the lake, we’ll shorten it just a bit by returning to the water stop via North Ave. If you’ve done the Sunday Runs before you know what to do… if you don’t ask someone who does.

The water stops… BarryP are you up for a Saturday Morning visit to Melrose? If so, Jen, just bring the supplies to Brueggers (if you’re coming) and we’ll add to the bucket and give it to Barry. If that plan falls through I’ll need a volunteer to drop their car out there. Anyone?

That’s all I’ve got for now. ROLL CALL, who’s in?!