This morning nine runners headed out before the snow began to fall to get in their Sunday long run. They followed the substitute route to take advantage of the efficiency of the water stops, one stop, three visits. Running along this route provided excitement within the first mile. After crossing Franklin St on Main St an SUV, which was traveling south towards Melrose had just minutes before crossed the yellow line, the northbound side of Main St, the curb, the sidewalk, and the brick and glass storefront of Platinum, a new hair coloring salon in Melrose.
Since my body is used to getting up early on Sunday mornings, even without and alarm I was awake at 6:30. I wasn’t running today but decided to visit the water stop and the neighboring Dunkin Donut. Lauren and Barry Cossette set up in the same spot my car occupied the day before, providing water and gatorade to the runners as they went by. The wind was still blowing in from the north but with slightly less force. The temperature had fallen about 15-20 degrees overnight too. And as Audie and Suzanne pulled out to do their lap around Lake Quannapowitt the snow flakes began to fall.
I had my breakfast while sitting with Lauren in her car waiting for the group to hit the water stop for the second time. Judi came back from the lake and headed straight back to Brueggers to finish a 10 mile run the day after running long on the Boston course with Jen Rappaport. Joe came through next, the birthday boy celebrating his day with a strong 18 miles, spilled gatorade all over himself before heading over to Breakheart. Behind him came BarryC with a pack of our friends from Mystic: JohnM, Jen, and JohnK… the last of which was dressed in shorts and a single longsleeve shirt and insisting he was running hot. Lauren jumped in with Jen and headed down Nahant for a loop of Breakheart, Barry catching a breather followed behind shortly after, whilethe Johns headed back to Brueggers. Audie came in from the lake and headed out Nahant too, determined to complete 16 miles for his longest post-injury run. Suzanne braved the ice and snow as well following the full route.
Heading back to Brueggers I left the water stop duties in the able hands of the Cossettes, thank you two for providing the stop today! Back at Brueggers John, John, and Judi chatted speedwork while Joe barrelled through to Pine Banks and back to finish his 18. He reported slippery conditions on snow covered ice in Breakheart and various places along the run. Walt’s prediction was very close, the timing was tough to nail down but the dusting of snow and icy spots was right on, runnable but not as pleasant as yesterday.
Now it’s time to hunker down for the real snowstorm, which judging by the line in the bread and milk aisle at Shaw is gonna be a big one. I hope those running Stu’s in Clinton avoided any nasty weather. Stay safe and see you all on the other side of the storm… First Tuesday of March!