Archive for the ‘week 2’ Category

Week 2 – Oh, It’s too hot, too hot, lady

Saturday, July 19th, 2008

The special edition Saturday Morning Long Run left Brueggers shortly after 8AM. Jennifer and Linda led the charge down Main St to West Wyoming. In tow were Brian, Ed, two Sues (Worrall and Clough), Lois, Molly, Ginny, Steve, Matt, Peter, Kaj, and me. The pace started out somewhat easy, each runner trying to figure out what they had in them today, what the weather had in store for them to day, and how to meter out the right amount of energy to last to the end of the run. Heading down Wyoming Beth joined in along the way, and as we turned onto The Fellsway East Jocelyn and her boyfriend mixed into the pack. Along the shaded hills of the Fells a gentle breeze blew which instigated thoughts that maybe this run wasn’t gonna be so hot. The long slight incline of Highland Ave was drenched in sun and absent of wind, giving us our first taste of the heat that would accompany us along the way. Pulling in to the first water stop, also drenched and abscent of wind, our pack of 17 runners went through almost all the water and Gatorade planned for two stops, keeping hydrated was in the forefront of each runners mind.

Leaving the waterstop eleven runners went left around Spot Pond, six runners right. Sue and Sue, Kaj, Beth, Jocelyn an her boyfriend headed right over to Pond St and back Wyoming finishing runs from 4 to 7+ miles… plus a few early bird miles for Kaj. The rest of us circled the pond, the sun beating down, the temperature shooting up, and if that wasn’t bad enough we got to run past an unusually large, extra disgusting, pile of vomit on the side of the road. YUCK! Cutting through the parking lot no the Friendly’s side of the pond we took a brief break at the extra stop we set up to help combat the heat.

Jen, Linda, and Brian had already set out to finish the loop back to Water Stop 1, with Ed along until he turned down Pond St for a 9 mile run. Molly, Ginny, and I were well behind them, Peter and Lois kept pace right behind us, while Matt and Steve trailed right behind them. The pockets of runners made there way past the Zoo where even the wolves were smart enough to just sit in the shade instead of running laps around their cage. Further along our route a group of walkers with their dogs settled under a tree to get out of the sun. It started to dawn on me, if this is too hot for dogs, what the heck are we doing out here! The only other creature more persistent than our group of runners were the Spot Pond gaggle of geese that wouldn’t budge of the sidewalk as we passed by with a momentary hop into the street.

Sue Clough greeted us back at the water stop, having replenished the water and gatorade for us, providing us the nutrients we needed to complete our run… i we chose to. Along the last leg some took a ride back to Brueggers while others either walked or took a shortcut back via West Wyoming, or both. Those unwilling to give in to the heat (or not wanting to be referred to as a cheater in front of fellow runners) followed the prescribed route along the shaded Fellsway and out into the sun by the Melrose Middle School. The final stretch included temperatures in the 90s and a scorching sun as we turned up to Main St and back to Brueggers. The only highlight of that stretch was a short conversation with Mike York as he road along on his bike. I’ll just say Mike seemed a lot more comfortable biking than we did running.

As  Kool and the Gang says:
“Oh it’s too hot, too hot, lady
Gotta run for shelter
Gotta run for shade
It’s too hot, too hot, lady”

And that’s what we did, heading into Brueggers all red faced, sweat soaked, and surely stinky. It was even too hot to lounge out at “Bruegger’s Beach” so we headed into the A/C proud of the dedication and fortitude it took to complete the runs we all did today.

Week 2 – Saturday Long Run – Roll Call

Friday, July 18th, 2008

This week’s training run will be held on Saturday, at 8AM, from Brueggers. We do this so people don’t use the excuse of the Sunday run to miss the MRC Summer Party Saturday Night or to use the excuse of the Summer Party to miss the Sunday Run. We’ll run Saturday morning, party Saturday night, and recover (from either the run, the party, or both) on Sunday morning.

The route this week will be our first of many training runs to follow part of the old Melrose Half Marathon route. Take a peek at the map (see the link on the sidebar on the right of the blog for the maps) and know where you’re going. We’ll hit some hills on the way out the Fellsway East, circle Spot Pond clockwise, and return along the LynnFells. Half Marathon trainers will cut along the front side of the pond to Pond St.

This loop is challenging and it will be a warm morning so I’m planning to have two water stops instead of the usual one. The first/third stop will be near the Mobil Station on Highland Ave, the second will be in the parking lot on the other side of Spot Pond near the other Mobil Station. Volunteers to help with the water stop. Peter mentioned not running but helping with the water stop. If he can meet us at Brueggers and handle the stop on Highland Ave, then I just need someone to pick me up in the morning on the South St side of the pond.

 So who’s in for the run? Please post here.

(For those who can’t make the Saturday Run, Walt has plans to go on a Sunday Run early, watch the MRC forum for more information)

Week 2 Recap

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

Someday we’ll outnumber the degrees, today we came close. 19 runners showed up at Brueggers at 8AM for a chilly (but not frigid) long run but despite an ominous forecast all week I believe we only got as low as 26 degrees. The winds from the northwest did have an effect on any road heading north or west so I’m sure in spots we outnumbered the windchill. 

We started out Main St to West Wyoming. Judi, Barry, and Paul Donahue led the pack through the wind (heading west on West Wyoming, Brrr). Brian and Walt chased them along, with Ginny, Evan, Mike MacNeil, Andy Pate, Tracy from Mystic Runners, and myself trying to keep up. Behind us were Sue Worrall and Julie, Sue Clough and Joanne, Nancy, Lois and Pam, and Matt. It stayed this way until we turned at Grimsbys and made our way along the Fellsway East. To our surprise Andy, Tracy and I had become the back of the pack as the shortcutters mysteriously appeared in front of us. This opened up the opportunity to do some inter-pack  socializing as we marched through the series of hills to Highland Ave. As we completed the long slight incline of Highland and crested the hill, one by one we were greeted by a great void which is normally home to the water stop. “Where’s the water stop! Do I have to keep running!” echoed over and over as each runner past the spot. This fear quickly passed as we got to the Mobil station to find Rick set up around the corner serving refreshments. Thanks so much Rick for braving the cold to help out again this week.

From the water stop most of the group headed out around the backside of Spot Pond, a few followed the front side to get 7.1 miles in, and Matt was forced to stop with a nasty case of shin splints that have been hindering his running. A little rest should help that but who here ever heeds that advice. I was the last guy out of the water stop and winded my way through the packs stretched out along the Fellsway West, urging each runner along as I went by. Going west on the Fellsway meant a strong cold headwind. I noticed a little walking on the hills and was informed that I was on “Slacker’s Hill” so I should expect to see walking. I learn something new each week. Around the pond and past the Zoo some runners headed down Pond St to improvise 9 and 10 mile routes. This is where Ginny was headed until Andy convinced her that 12.5 miles was a better idea. Peer pressure can lead to good things sometimes. I caught up to Mike and Tracy as we eased into the water stop for a second time. Andy and Ginny were on their way out as we stopped and Ana and a friend were grabbing some water on their own 7.5 mile run around the pond. Knowing Ana she either slept later or was waiting for the temperatures to warm up… or both.

The last leg of the run is the hilliest, up East Border Rd, up and down and up and down the Fellsway East again, up the Lynn Fells and down past the Middle School, our legs grinding out the last miles and the last blasts of cold air. Turning on to Main St, our strides took us into the warm sun with the wind to our back to finish strong.

Back at Bueggers Barry and Judi headed out, Barry with a bloody nose which he claimed was a result of a left hook from Judi but was probably due to the dry cold air. Paul, who has been to two Sunday long runs with us noted that each has been excessively windy and hilly, to which I reminded him that I didn’t put the hills there and I can’t control the weather. I’ll forward his complaint to God and Walt.

The post run coffee and bagels broke up quickly as some scampered off to do their errands for the day before the Pats Colts AFC Championship game at 3 and others headed off to celebrate the Chinese New Year with some Dim-Sum. It was an enjoyable chilly, hilly, footbally, Dim-Sum day run.

Happy New Year!
Go Pats!

Week 2 Routes

Friday, January 18th, 2008

The maps for this week’s run are available by clicking on the distance you want to run this week where you see the plan on the blog. Marathoners will be running 12.5 miles while half marathoners will be doing 7.1 miles. Those wanting something in between can follow the marathoners around the back side of Spot Pond then cut down Pond St to the Lynn Fells Pkwy for about 9.5 miles.

Just a few quick notes:
– It’s gonna be chilly out there. Dress appropriately. You can always drop things off at the water stop, you can’t add things.
– It may be slippery out there. Be aware of ice on the side of the road.
– The roads are narrow. Due to snow you might be forced to run further out in the road than normal. Run against traffic so you can see what’s coming. Run single file where necessary. Don’t assume people see you.
– Let the water stop attendants (when there are some) know what route you’re planning to run.

Speaking of water stops attendants, we have three volunteers for 1 water stop. Rick has the supplies from last week, so he’s in. I have additional water, gatorade, gu, and jelly beans too. Let me know how we’re doing for cups. Nick and Liz, if you want to work out an additional stop or just help out Rick, that would be appreciated but not 100% necessary. Let me know what you want to do. Only one of you needs to meet at Brueggers at 8 to pick up the extra supplies.

Time for the roll call! Let me know if you’re coming.

See you at Brueggers at 8AM.