Archive for the ‘Water Stops’ Category

Week 9 – Water stop helpers needed!

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

I’m definitely going to need a hand for this Sundays run!

I can easily handle the stop on Forest St, but im going to need some cars parked further out for a few more stops.

So, can anyone take care of stops # 2,3 and 5?  I can meet you there in the morning and bring you back to Brueggers to start the run if you need a ride.

Let me know if you can help!  I’ll load you up with supplies on Sat, or before the run.

2 -Highland Ave (Winchester)

3- Mystic Valley Parkway

5- Highland Ave by the Flynn Rink

a.k.a Bobby Boucher

Week 11 – Water Stop Support

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

This week’s run will take place on SATURDAY due to the Easter holiday on Sunday. It will be an 18 mile run requiring 3 or 4 water stops. Erin has graciously volunteered to help this week so I’ll be looking for at least 2 others. Post here if you can help, even if just for a limited amount of time

Any support is greatly appreciated.


Week 10 – Water Stops

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

This week we can get away with one water stop, although a second would make things easier. Our full route gets divided up as follows:

Start at Brueggers
Main St & Nahant, Mile 3, water stop 1
Loop Lake Quanapowitt
Main St & Nahant, Mile 7, water stop 2
Nahant to Breakheart, loop, return Nahant
Main St & Nahant, Mile 13 miles, water stop 3
Back to Brueggers

So one water stop with lots of supplies can cover the run. A second stop in the Saugus parking lot of Breakheart would help though, as that leg is about 6 miles long without that stop.

Let’s see who’s available and then we’ll figure out the rest of the plan.