Archive for the ‘Routes’ Category

Week 3 – Routes and Roll Call

Saturday, January 26th, 2008

It’s week 3 of training. Many of our regulars are heading up north to Derry NH for a hilly 16 miler race while we stay down here for one of our flatest routes of the training season. This week is a pull-back week, after builing up the miles for the first few weeks, this week we let our muscles recover a bit by running a slightly shorter distance. We’ll be heading out to Lake Quannapowitt. If you want to do 10.7 you’ll loop the lake, if you want to do 6.2 you’ll u-turn at the water stop and head back. There is an option for thos that want to run 8 shown on the 6.2 map as well.

I’ll be handling the water stop this week, it’ll be on the corner of Main St and Nahant St in Wakefield.

Let me know if you’ll be coming.
See you at 8AM at Brueggers!

Week 2 Routes

Friday, January 18th, 2008

The maps for this week’s run are available by clicking on the distance you want to run this week where you see the plan on the blog. Marathoners will be running 12.5 miles while half marathoners will be doing 7.1 miles. Those wanting something in between can follow the marathoners around the back side of Spot Pond then cut down Pond St to the Lynn Fells Pkwy for about 9.5 miles.

Just a few quick notes:
– It’s gonna be chilly out there. Dress appropriately. You can always drop things off at the water stop, you can’t add things.
– It may be slippery out there. Be aware of ice on the side of the road.
– The roads are narrow. Due to snow you might be forced to run further out in the road than normal. Run against traffic so you can see what’s coming. Run single file where necessary. Don’t assume people see you.
– Let the water stop attendants (when there are some) know what route you’re planning to run.

Speaking of water stops attendants, we have three volunteers for 1 water stop. Rick has the supplies from last week, so he’s in. I have additional water, gatorade, gu, and jelly beans too. Let me know how we’re doing for cups. Nick and Liz, if you want to work out an additional stop or just help out Rick, that would be appreciated but not 100% necessary. Let me know what you want to do. Only one of you needs to meet at Brueggers at 8 to pick up the extra supplies.

Time for the roll call! Let me know if you’re coming.

See you at Brueggers at 8AM.

Week 1 Routes

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

As things get refined, the distances and route options change slightly, but here are the possibilities for tomorrow.

Full Route : 8.8 Miles

Half Route : 4.2 Miles

Alternate Route: 6.1 Miles

In addition, if you wish to meet us at the Water Stop and run the end of the run, feel free, we’ll get you back to your car somehow.

See you all at 8AM, Brueggers.