Archive for the ‘Recap’ Category

Week 3 – The 2009 Dashing Through The Snow Run

Monday, January 19th, 2009

This Sunday we awoke to about 3 inches of snow on the ground and heavy snow falling with much more to follow. Even in a snowstorm 13 runners made there way to Brueggers for the Sunday Long Run. We reviewed the routes and the many options that could be taken along the way to tailor the distance to your willingness to endure the elements. Demi took the first option, and I’m sure there were many more that made the same decision in absentia, her run was across Main St to the Melrose YMCA for a jaunt on the treadmill. The rest of us headed out in the storm up Main St to West Wyoming.

In an attempt to keep track of people the best I could I started out at the front of the pack running with a new visitor to the Sunday Long Run, John. John is a strong runner with years of experience, a self-professed “thick Irishman” who would not give up his space along the side of the road while I kept moving from roadside to sidewalk trying to figure out where I felt safest. There was enough snow on the sidewalk to cover our shoetops, with unsure footing underneath from choppy ice from last week’s storm hidden underneath. The roadside was slushy snow, much more manageable for a runner but not so much for a car as the plows were just making there way out into the storm.

At Grimsby’s we picked up Lois who had braved the storm, driving all the way from New Hampshire, but arrived a little late. She hopped in to the pack and followed us to the Fellsway East hills. Here’s where things got interesting. John pulled ahead having the advantage of his superior speed and his Yak Trax. Brian Gilroy caught up to me as we ascended the second long hill of this stretch. Coming down the hill was an old man in a big car who thought it necessary to let out a succession of beeps to let us know that an icy road in the middle of the snow storm was no place for a runner, but apparently is the right place for an old man with an attitude. All of us were aware of him now as he passed the frint pack and stopped beeping. A second later he passed the middle pack and beeped beeped beeped a little more furiously. Then again as he passed the back of the back. The Mad Beeper had introduced himself to the Sunday Long Run group, I sure hope our new friend made his way to his very important destination.

We turned at the rotary at Highland Ave, greated the guy under his tent selling newspapers who seemed completely unphased by the weather, and headed up to water stop 1 where Rick would be waiting for us. The effects of trying to accompany John began to take its toll, and with snow accumulating on my glasses, John and Brian faded into the snowy distance even quicker. Ed pulled up next to me and as we dodged the parade of plows intent on clearing out the complete width of Highland Ave we hoped in out of snowbanks all the way to the water stop.

I stayed at the water stop to make sure all runners arrived safely and headed out to their next destination correctly. Brian and Ed left as another John and Ginny pulled in. And another John, BarryC, Christina, and Jose followed in behind them. A plow stopped in the middle of the street and asked “Can I ask you guys a question? How many of you are out here? What race is this?”, about a dozen, not a race. “Then what are you people doing out here!!!”. He laughed at us as he pulled away, which was much more pleasant than the plow driver coming the other way who made it obvious he resented us being in the streets, slowing down his progress, delaying his late morning of sitting under a bridge somewhere in his plow.

The rule of the day seemed to be that if your name was John you headed down Woodland Ave to run 7 miles for the day, otherwise you turned left on Elm to loop the backside of Spot Pond. As they headed out Suzanne, Lois and Pam pulled in. Liz pulled up to let us know she would not be running today, being on the saner side of the crazy runner line. With everyone accounted for we Suzanne, Lois, Pam and I headed down Elm St while Rick moved the water stop over to the Stone Zoo parking lot. Somewhere on Elm St a muscular guy in a cutoff t-shirt shoveled his driveway. I didn’t see him, but according to Ginny he was quite a sight. To keep warm I set off ahead of this pack up Slacker’s Hill towards the Sheepfold. I could see the footprints from the pack ahead of us and could tell I was getting closer to them as the prints became more defined. Heading over Rte 93 and through the South St parking lot of Spot Pond I could see Barry, Jose, and Christina, plus the argyle pattern of Ginny’s Yak Tracks were well defined in the snow so I knew she wasn’t much further ahead. I caught the three as we headed toward the zoo, where Ginny was already sipping Gatordade with Rick.

I let them head out ahead of me while I waited to see that the rest of the runners were coming, again with the intention of catching up to them at some point. The stretch from the zoo to the hockey rink, runners were forced out into the street. About 7 inches of snow had accumulated on the sidewalks, and although they were runnable, our wet sneakers were starting to make our feet too cold. Lois and Pam headed back down Pond St by Grimsbys for about an 8 mile run, the rest pushed forward to the hockey rink. A pack of plows cleared the opposite side of the road so I headed up there to run, where I could see the expressions on people’s faces when they spotted the crazy snow covered runner coming at them. Turning up North Border Rd Rick pulled over to offer more water. I was more concerned that he might be stuck in the snow bank than my own hydration, but all was ok. Back onto the hills of the Fellsway East where an elderly woman panicked at the sight of runners in the road and slammed on her brakes on the downhill, sending her skidding into the path ahead of the runners. Luckily she was well ahead of us and nobody was hurt. She drove about 1 MPH after that until all runners had passed her. Back past Grimsbys some chose to turn down Wyoming to bring the adventure to a slighty quicker end. Ginny, Jose, Christina, and I formed a pack of four making our way to the Melrose Middle School knoll for our last water stop. Rick was quite a trooper dealing with the snow storm to keep us hydrated. With Gatorade fueling our last mile we headed up to Main St.

Ginny and I pulled ahead on Main St, running on the side of the road. Suddenly we heard a big bang behind us. Peaking back I saw a plow heading down the street. A few seconds later I heard the big bang again, this time right over my shoulder. This is when I realized these were on purpose, a signal to us runners that we were about to get scooped up by a massive plow blade. Hopping over a large snow bank into the foot of fluffy snow on the side walk we found safety as the big plow scraped the side of the street.

Pulling into Brueggers, a snowy mess, our 12.5 miles were done. Brian came in having added extra miles on for about 16, wearing a bushy mustache seemingly made completely of ice. With frosen hair, sweaty icicles, soaked clothed and soggy sneakers, 13 of us made it through what hopefully was the messiest long run of this winter… but it is still early in the season. I told everyone they could add 10% to the distance they had run today, the degree of difficulty warranted it.

Week 1 – MRC on Ice

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

This past Saturday we had over 20 people join in on the Sunday Long Run… Saturday style. With the MRC Year-End Party planned for Saturday Evening and a winter storm warning declared for Saturday night into Sunday morning, our band of runners were eager to get their run in.

Barry started the run off early, trading a box of video equipment for the party with me for a box of gatorade and water. He parked at Breakheart, took a quick peak at the conditions of the paved pathway there, and headed back to Breuggers to meet up with us. Back at Brueggers I provided the maps and explained optional routes for all that weren’t interested in the adventure that is steep ice-covered hill running.

The first few miles were unadventurous, following the same start of last week’s run up Main St and out the LynnFells Parkway. It was good to see that new Sunday Long Runners Suzanne and Jose had come back for more miles and hills. In addition we had Rebecca and Christine joining in for the first time as the group continues to grow. Up in the front Judi and Barry led the way to Breakheart’s Saugus entrance, Judi prepared for anything toting her Yak Trax in her hands. The air was chilly, low 20s, and the wind was light, feeling as though it was slightly in our face on the way to Breakheart. I made my way along with Audrey for the first part of the stretch and Evan for the second part. At Breakheart we stopped for a few minutes to hydrate as we eyeballed the impending icy run. The sight of the mess in there was not welcoming, Evan was so intimidated by it that he spun around so fast to leave that it looked like his pants were on backwards… wait, his pants were on backwards! Yes Evan ran his whole tun with his pants on backwards.

Barry, Judi, and Brian were already in there and it seemed as though people were milling about to see if they were gonna turn around and come back out. Many discussed their plan to run the flat side of Breakheart and go out the Wakefield side to Farm St, where they would run back to the LynnFells Parkway to join up with the rest of the crew. Not me, I’ll never ask someone to do something on the Sunday Run I wouldn’t be willing to do myself, I was going all the way around Breakheart! Slowly groups headed into Breakheart Reservation with reservations. Careful steps on choppy white ice were taken as people made there way along the sides of the path where their running shoes could sink in to the white crusty snow a bit. I left the water stop with just Nancy, Sue, and Joanne left and made my way along the middle of the path from the back of the pack forward. I felt confident that the hard ice was runnable and tried to convince each runner I passed that this wasn’t really too bad. Past Nick, and Jose, and Suzanne, and Peter, and Erin, and Barry, and Lauren… none of them were buying it. Then I caught Mike, the one guy willing to give the hilly side a try with me. Passing the Wakefield entrance we turned up the first major hill and tried to figure out the plan to get through. Luckily we weren’t the first idiots to go through there, as evident by deep frozen footprints marking the pathway. By landing the front of our shoes into the footprints we could get the traction needed to scale the steep hills. Easy. Easier than the downhills anyway. Downhills took some figuring out. They were much too slippery to let gravity take you down, on your feet anyway. They were also too slippery to try to keep a slow pace by braking, unless you wanted to break something. So somewhere in between we went, carefully planning where each step would land, not picking up too much speed and never trying to slow down. Before we knew it we were out the other side, sore quads and all, and safely back at the water stop.

Brian Gilroy was already at the stop, another brave soul that made it through. Nancy and Joanne came walking out of the Breakheart building talking up how wonderful and warm it is in there. I question if they ever left the water stop the first time but they claim they did and ran the shorter route around Breakheart. Barry came running in from somewhere, having run through Breakheart and around Saugus and Wakefield to get in 12 miles or so. Nobody else returned to the water stop. All the others headed out the Wakefield side to avoid the icy hills.

Mike and I went back out to the LynnFells and caught up to the back of the pack that had short-cutted it. The wind worked against us in this direction, cold and biting in our face. Barry drove by and rolled down his window to taunt us with how well his heater was working. We finished up at Brueggers as the short-cutters made there way in from all directions, each adding on a bit of distance to make there run no shorter than ours. If running on a Saturday weren’t enough to make things different, improvised routes made each run unique.

Week 0 Recap – Get This Party Started

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

At 7AM I left a cardboard box filled with water and Gatorade on my door step, at 7:15 Walt had wisked it away towards Wakefield where he would set up our water stop for the day at Wakefield High School. From there he took the first steps of our winter training session making his way back to Melrose by foot to meet us at Brueggers at 8AM. Waiting for him there were 27 runners, each having mentally or physically marked a day on their new 2009 calendars that they were about to begin preparing for. Be it the Derry 16 Miler in a few weeks, or a half marathon at Hampton Beach,  Hyannis, New Bedford, Providence, or Boston, or a marathon in Boston, Providence, Maine, or Vermont, today we began the journey to achieving that goal.

Heading down Main St to the LynnFells 28 runners chattered about Christmas and New Years, the new wiis they’ve injured themselves using, their jobs or the lack of them, new babies, old injuries, and recoveries from marathons past (ask Andy Pate about his remus). Barry, Paul, Judi, and Jennifer led the way down Main St, greeted by Kelly who seemingly jumped from the bushes in front of her house right into the pack. As the leaders quickly disappearing into the bright sunshine along the LynnFells toward Saugus, Joe, Brian, Walt, and Ed tried to keep in close pursuit. As we turned left onto Main St in Saugus, Theresa and Joanne joined in our big pack from the J Pace parking lot as John, Beth, Kristen, Donna, and Jo-Ann turned off down Howard St to follow the 4.2 mile route. Nick, Ginny and I led the big pack as we cut through the cold wind in our faces through the hills to Farm St. Nick and I registered a 7mph on the school zone radar sign before heading into the water stop. There Liz was waiting for us to join in the second leg of the run. As we sipped some water and Gatorade runners streamed in to the stop, first Mike, Andy, and Carol , then in an instant Sue Worrall, Sue Clough, Nancy, Lois, Pam, Lauren and Barry Cossette, Joanne, and Kelly.  Theresa, not used to the Sunday morning 8AM schedule almost wandered by the stop in a half-sleepy daze but we caught her attention. Behind her Jose and Suzanne went by and turned onto Nahant St for a 7 mile run missing the water stop all together.

The second leg of the run felt warmer than the first, with the sun warming the air and the wind now at our backs we made our way along Water St to Main. I travelled along with Nick and Carol, as marathon experiences and lessons learned were discussed. We pushed our way towards Ed, and thanks to his short bathroom break we caught him as we made our way past Nahant St. Ed and I kept an ongoing conversation through the last miles as my legs tried ot interrupt to remind me we haven’t done this in a while. We past Walt coming from the opposite direction as we headed into Melrose and he returned to Wakefiled to end at his car. As downtown Melrose came into view so did Sue Clough as we ate into the lead she had gotten by taking Nahant St. We kept a steady pace in an attempt to catch her but couldn’t, finishing our run right behind her.

After the run we gathered on the sidewalk outside of Brueggers soaking in that familiar feeling of tired legs and worn out bodies. The first long run of 2009 was done and soon we were celebrating it with coffee, bagels, and lively conversation inside Brueggers. Congratulations to all 32 of you for taking the first steps to where ever you’re headed!

(Note: Due to the MRC Holiday Party on Januaury 10th, next week’s Sunday Long Run will actually be held Saturday Morning. Run hard in the morning, party hard that night, sleep in on Sunday!)  

Marathon du Medoc

Thursday, September 25th, 2008
Medoc Marathon
The Medoc Marathon is run for a FUN time, not a speed time. It’s definitely missing the point if you run this as a Boston qualifier. Its location near Bordeaux France (Pauillac, southwest corner of France) is in distinctive wine country (Merlot reds). This is well south of Paris.  This year’s marathon with about 8000 finishers…probably 90 percent in some sort of costume… started at 930am France time, (3:30am in Boston) on Saturday September 6th.The photos seen are from start to finish. Showers pelted the start with rainbows over the vineyards during the nearly 1 hour bus ride north of Bordeaux, France. Otherwise it was a partly sunny run in temperatures, probably in the 60s.

Only about 200 US citizens are permitted to run, and all US entries apparently are through tour groups. I went with Marathon Tours with the company president Thom Gilligan and his wife Sharon as guides. We had 99 in our group, with a couple – Phil and Mary Anne Hailer from L Street and myself representing the Boston area. Our group had representatives from Canada and India as well. Accommodations were good. It was a 5 day wine tasting party…arrival midday Thursday French time, departing Tuesday midday. The cash outlay was substantial — $2000 for the trip, including most meals, hotel, marathon entry, some transfers etc. Another 1000 for the rt flight: Boston-Frankfurt on a big aircraft, with regional aircraft and 4 hour layover from Frankfurt to Bordeaux. Add your expenses for purchasing wine and other gifts… So, my suggestion going over, if you do…plan to wine taste all day and evening, lots and lots of LONG bus rides into the vineyards.  

The marathon was the sweetheart for me… wine and live music at virtually every water stop (~every 2K). I sipped only at 28, 34 and 39K, enjoying raw oysters at 39K, had an ice cream given to me at 41K for the finish push and there was lots of food at tables enroute. I thought the finish food the best… though word has it, Nashville R&R Marathon and New Orleans Marathon are even better.

To open the photos, my Island Paradise theme, leis, Hawaiian shirt, and wore a grass skirt. I left the Garmin at the hotel-no need for this run. No starter mat, so if you started back you added a minute or 3 to your time. There was a clock at 20K to give you an idea of how you were doing near the halfway point. The bib had the chip in it… in this case a rectangular wiring system.The rainbow had two meanings… both a pre-race spark and pre-race reality check that there is rain around.Next the starting line, followed by a sampling of runners, band and wine stops with the finish.It was a training run for me… an expensive one. I wont go back, since I like to add a little history to these but… I am glad I got it out of my system. If you like sampling wine for 5 days… this trip may be for you! 

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Walt’s Full Photo Gallery

Week 10 – When the rain comes, they run and hide their heads

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

Ten people gathered inside Brueggers at 7AM for the early edition of the MRC Sunday Long Run. Preparations for the Victorian Fair were taking place outside, tents went up while rain fell down and discussion of how many laps under the tents would be needed to complete 16 miles passed the time before we headed out. As we began covering the MRC summer route to begin our run, we took advantage of the tent to keep us dry until Grove St where we headed out into the downpour. Sidestepping puddles along

Wyoming and the LynnFells, naturalized-citizen with an English accent Dave and I kept Erin Moseley company.Erin ran with us in the winter and spring in training for the Boston Marathon, regularly running with Judi, but since Judi and many of our other local speedsters were running the Reach the Beach Relay Dave and I stepped up and tried to keep pace. Running the summer route as if that’s all we were running we charged through the first 3 miles with her, stopping for a quick water stop at Lois’ car on the corner of Hillcrest and Upham. As we finished our drinks the rest of the crew quickly came in behind us: Kaj, Lois, Catherine, Kelly, Carol, Julie, and Peter.

Heading down Upham St I quickly described the rest of the summer routes to Erin, and devised the plan to have her run the full 7 mile run around the cemeteries and Pine Banks while Dave and I cut down Sylvan St for the 5.9 mile run. This would give her the freedom to stretch her legs and maybe tire her out a little plus give Dave and I a little longer rest back at the water stop behind Brueggers. Pulling into the parking lot we noticed most of the other runners had already returned having cut down Grove St. Ginny met up with us outside while inside Brueggers our shorter route runners awaited their 8AM start in dry quarters. As I stumbled in to use the men’s room I resembled a drowned rat Leann, Kevin, Jocelyn, Kristen, Audrey, Beth, and Leah found it funny to see how wet I was… and disturbing to think they were about to join me.

We headed North on Main St into rain, Erin and I starting at the back and as we passed everyone I tried to convince them to keep up with us. Polite ‘no’s or simple avoidance of the question were heard as we left everyone trailing behind us, even Dave who decided 16 miles at that pace just wasn’t going to happen. Despite the quick pace we held polite conversation all the way down Main St into Wakefield. Nancy was hosting the next water stop but this week the sight of Nancy lounging in a beach chair was replaced with her huddled under an awning next to Rick in a yellow rain slicker. A quick drink there and before everyone showed up we were off again up toLake Quannapowitt. The wind was driving the rain sideways by the lake and I was glad I had chosen to leave my glasses in my car as keeping them clear in this rain would have been tough. Still holding conversation we made our way around the Converse side of the building and back North Ave. Keeping a steady pace along North Ave I could tell the speed of the run as wearing me down, noted by the conversation coming to an end whenever we hit an incline. We followed North Ave back to Nancy’s car where I poured myself a large cup of Gatorade… not so much because I needed the drink but moreso I needed a minute to recover. After that minute I stared down North Ave searching the horizon for another runner that might help alter our pace a bit. No luck, although I found it hard to believe we were so far ahead. My hunch was right, Kevin and Leann were the next group coming up but they followed Church St to complete the circle of the lake for an extra ¼ mile, something others did too. Instead of short cuts people are now taking long cuts, nice.

The last stretch was a simple 3 mile run returning down Main St. I fed this info to Erin in case she wanted to race ahead. She didn’t, which in the end was good for me, keeping me hustling as hard as I could through the fatigue of miles 14, 15, and 16. The pace was obviously slowing though, asErin seemed to be sightseeing as we paralleled the train tracks heading from Wakefield to Melrose. As she gazed at houses, business, and neighborhoods I was intently searching the sidewalk for appropriate places between puddles and crab apples to possibly collapse. Huffing and puffing our way along, keepingErin company despite saying only 3 words: “One Mile Left!”, we strolled back down Main St and headed back to my car for all the Snickers, Gatorade, and water I could get my hands on. A solid run for me, and a comfortable cheery one for Erin had come to end. Minutes later runners began to stroll in, each one of them putting in a strong run despite the rain.

Today was a nice recovery run after the long runs for both marathon and half marathoner trainers. This run also gave us a chance to train in adverse running conditions, something you may be glad you know more about if race day ends up rainy. And as for the challenge of running a little harder to keep Erin company, well that’s a benefit of running in a training group… one week it’s my week to pull someone up a hill, the next week it my turn to be challenged to run harder. In the end it all makes us better runners and we can thank each other for it. Thanks!