Time to plan the Boston Course Run which will be on March 30th this year. For those new to it, or those that have forgotten, three weeks prior to Boston we leave Brueggers at 7AM, carpool out to Hopkinton, people get out and run, others move cars from water stop to water stop along the whole course, and in the end we all wind up at Boston College around lunch time. After that we head back to Melrose, move on to the Dockside and have lunch. To make this all happen without a hitch everyone must follow my elaborate plans.
(1) Who has a big car? As runners sign up we need a seat in a car for each of them, so I need to have a few volunteer cars that can at least seat 4 runners comfortably (remember you’ll all have to sit next to someone who just ran 22 miles!). If you want to volunteer your car let me know here and indicate how many it can seat including a driver. If you volunteer your car be prepared for it to be in use between 7AM and 2PM.
(2) Who wants to drive? Note that its very difficult to run and drive at the same time. I know you all can drive from Melrose to Hopkinton, I’m more interested in who can drive the car along the race course from Hopkinton to BC. People who want to run only half of the course can drive the other half. This usually works out that two cars are for switching in Wellesley during the run. If you’re driving be prepared to be needed between 7AM and 2PM.
(3) Who wants to run? I assume somewhere between 1 and 50 people which makes it hard to plan. Let me know you’re running (if you don’t I won’t have a seat for you), and how far you plan on running (full or half, of somewhere in between). If you’re running the half indicate a preference of first half (flat to downhill) or second half (flat to hilly). I’ll try to fit you in to your preferred part of the run. Again, if you’re running just a bit of the run be prepared to be with us from 7AM to 2PM.
(4) Buts? If you have a special case (I want to run but I need to….) consider the impact on everyone else before you ask. This isn’t simple to plan and the equation gets more difficult with each request. I’ll do my best to make things work but not all variations can be accommodated.
OK, who wants in? Again I have to know you’re coming to have a seat in a car for you.
In. With a car or two.
Hey Jim – IFTF (or @ least 19-20) 🙂
Hi Jim,
I will not be running but I can drive/water stops and have room for 7 people in my caravan.
I can drive.. just not my car. If you need me to drive the whole route, I will, no problem, but if I can run 9 or 10 that would be good too. Thanks for all the coordinating you do Jim! <3
I’m in the for full… and so is my car if he is needed (4-5 passengers)! Sorry that I can’t help with the driving.
Thank you Jim!!!
I’m in for the full. Still have to check with Duncan about the half.
My minivan seats 7 (including the driver) and is available for transport.
Jim… I amrunning the full…. Derek will drive my brothers suburban which fits 8… he will drive the whole route… thanks for all you do!!
I’m in for the full run….can’t wait!!!! Thank you all for everything!!
Ugh bachelorette party – my life as a never ending bridesmaid 🙁 sorry guys but good luck!!!
Duncan is NOT going to run that day.
IFTF . My car will be available if you need it. It only seats 4. This is the best long run of the year! Thanks Jim!
Hi Jim, I am in for the full. Mike Fitzgerald and Jen Dodge said they could be drivers. Not sure how many they can fit in each, but I will circle back to you. Thanks!!!
I’m in for the full. You can use my car if you need to. It seats 5. Thanks for organizing Jim!
In for the full run
I have a vehicle that fits 5 if needed. I don’t have a driver available though.
Thanks for the help
Hi Jim, I am also in for the full!! I second Alicia on Mike, he can fit 4 others in his car besides himself (I would like to ride with him if possible!)
Thank you!!
See you Sunday 🙂
IFTF!! Thank you for organizing Jim and and thanks to all those offering their cars and their time. You are all the best -so appreciative for the wonderful people at MRC and Mystic!
Hi Jim, I’m in for the full.
Thanks for organizing this event.
Someone can drive my car – seats 5 (including driver) with storage in the back for bags and stuff.
Thanks for organizing, Jim!
I wish I could say iftf…I’m going to shoot for 16 with some hills, so would like to jump in about mile 5- that plan might change. My car is available and seats driver plus 4. Thanks Jim!
I’m hoping to run the full but if you need another driver let me know.I hope to have the van if needed. 7 passenger. total.
I’m in!!!!!!! put me where ever
IFTF. My husband might be able to do the driving with a car that seats 5 including the driver.
Time to make my once annual Sunday Long Run appearance. My sunny disposition (hahaha!) will be in for the full. And for the safety of everyone else involved I should not drive. Safety first.
IFTF. Thanks to all of those supporting and coordinating.
I’m in for the full…unfortunately I have a 2 seat pick up. Unless people are willing to go old school redneck and sit in the back of a pick up truck bed I’ll need to squeeze in another car.
Thanks for all the effort put into this….I know it must be tough. No problem taking the train back home if need be.
I would like to run the full
IFTF!!!!! Can’t wait! Thanks everyone for the support and coordination!
I can not wait to get to Boston to help out with Support for this Running Club, you guys have done so much for all of us, and we can not wait give back by stating out with a ride for any anyone who need it and a water stop
Mike Fitzgerald.
HI! I can drive and can sit 4 more people in my car. I am not planning to run and I will have my 2 girls who can’t wait to help out! Thanks, Jim for coordinating all this!
IFTF – my van is available if needed. Can seat 5 + driver.
Tiffany is in for the full mileage on the boston course on Sunday! Looking forward to running with all of you champions! ????
You know my plan, Jim. Weather looking promising!
Hi Jim, I just spoke with Richie Halloran who is also in for the full. Thank you again for all that you do!!!!
IFTF if you are able to accommodate me.
I’m a Boston first-timer from the Mystics.
Kenny and Krissy are IFTF if you have room for us. Thank you!!
Jim – I won’t be running , or coming from Melrose but I can meet you in Boston somewhere to be a water stop for everyone- Let me know if you need me and where