4/26 Run?

The official marathon training program has ended, but there are still people training for upcoming marathons. My intent is to make up runs off the cuff based on the distances needed by people. This week’s tough though. My son has a 9AM baseball game so I won’t be available for the whole run. In addition some of our long runners are away on vacation. Not to mention that many of our running mates just ran a marathon last Monday.

If there is a run I suspect there will be a light turn out, but lets go ahead and do the weekly roll call to see who would like to show up and how far they want to run. If there’s enough interest I’ll put together a plan… if there’s not we’ll pick up on the Sunday runs again next week.So who’s in for how far?

6 Responses to “4/26 Run?”

  1. Christina Antico says:

    I’ll run an easy recovery run this Sunday! 6 miles, or so? What is everyone else up for?

  2. Lauren Cossette says:

    This is a step-back week for me (and Barry too) so we only have 12 on the agenda. If nobody is around, it’s not a big deal. I’ll miss the company but can survive without water stops for this one.

  3. Ginny Rowe says:

    I think I’ll run and easy 6, too, and think about what’s next.

  4. Jim says:

    Sorry for the late response, something’s wrong with my computer 🙁

    I’m not running this morning and from the sound of it we only have 2-4 runners in the mix. For those that do run I suggest the Week 2 route: Spot Pond 12.5 – 7.1 miles. I’ll stop by at 8 to see if anyone is there, then drop my son off at baseball, then stop by Spot Pond for a water stop, then head back to his game at 9:00… or if nobody is there I’ll just have breakfast.

  5. Nick Lamberti says:

    I am for breakfast!

  6. Nick Lamberti says:

    I mean “in” for breakfast! See you guys Tuesday night!

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