Archive for March, 2013

Week 9 – This one is a big one

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Whoa. Week 9 already? All our goal races – marathons, half marathons, 10Ks – are all getting closer. This week’s run, 20 miles for the marathon bound runners and 10 miles for those with their eyes on a half, brings us into serious training zone.

We have two great routes in front of us this week – 20 miles with a few hills and a water view or 10 miles with a few hills and a tempting pass by the Gingerbread Construction Co.  Seriously, this is a week to refine what you’ve learned and step into the mileage that will make you strong for race day.

Support this week is key. We will need some waterstop help.  Please post if you (or your car) is available.

We have some runners who will be burning rubber at the Black Cat 20 miler and Stu’s. Good luck to all!

Looking at some nice weather for this weeks run. Crisp air. a journey through a few towns. Who wants in?!

Roll call!