Archive for April, 2008

Week 13 – “Gonna chase the clouds away, Waitin’ on a Sunny Day”

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

Another cloudy day didn’t stop the runners from showing up. A quick count showed about 25 heads exiting Brueggers at about 8:15 for a scenic, meandering tour through Melrose.

The run started out East Foster and headed up to Melrose Common. Nick, who ran 16 miles of downhills on the Boston course last week, wasn’t happy to be tackling an uphill in the first mile. I don’t put the hills there, I just run over them. At the Common, three dogs and their owners all looked on with similar curiosity as the pack stretched out the length of the park and turned right up to Swain’s Pond. Somehow I took the lead with Walt close behind keeping close track of our instantaneous pace…. 9:00 minutes on an incline, 7:00 on a decline, average pace 8:25 which I interpreted as A) too fast and B) indicative of the balance tilting in favor of uphills. On to Lebanon St we went, turning on to Forest towards water stop 1. As we approached the water stop the real lead pack finally showed up, Brad, Barry and Erin having reclaimed the head start they gave us.

Having pulled into water stop 1 with what was now the second pack I discovered why I have no chance of keeping up with them. Sure I’m slightly slower on foot but as far as eating and drinking go there is no comparison. Despite being one of the first served, my gatorade cup was still well full when Ed hustled off and the rest followed him. Mike York, Nick, and Tracy all showed up before I polished off my refreshment, and Nick encouraged me to keep those guys in sight. Off past Oak Grove and cutting across to Highland Ave I could catch glimpses of Audie’s and Mike Murphy’s jackets. Through the hills of the Fellsway East there was a fain glow of yellow from Mike and Walt’s yellow jackets. Past Grimsby’s I lost sight of them until the water stop at the Knoll across from the Middle School. As I approached I got a quick wave from Andy Pate as they headed out, and the acknowledgement that they knew I was close as a full cup of a purple gatorade and water awaited me on the trunk of the water stop car.

As the shorter route runners turned back to Brueggers at different stages of the run, longer runners continued out the Fellsway toward Saugus. A few last glimpses of the group ahead of me and no sign of a group behind me signaled the fact that the remaining 11 miles of my run would be done alone. This leads to a boring recap as I don’t get any stories from other runners along the way. So on this 4+ mile stretch I only have two things to report: 1) the rabbit died, literally a dead rabbit on the Fellsway was the road kill of the day, God bless you Mr Bunny. 2) Along the sidewalk of Nahant St I ran past a box from a pregnancy test. So separately these two things mean nothing but together they are a signal that someone’s pregnant. Anyone have news they would like to share?

After a brief stop at the water stop at Nahant and Main St in Wakefield I headed out for a loop around Lake Quannapowitt. For those training for Boston and tapering, they turned left and headed back to Melrose. Mike York, Nancy, Lois, Pam, Mike MacNeil and myself would be the only ones to run this additional section of the route. A chance run in with Joe Terranova as I approached the lake was a welcome sight, I hadn’t seen a runner in miles! The blustering wind was whipping in our faces along the route all morning, but nothing matched the intensity of the wind meeting us head on heading East along the northern part of the lake. The exhausting stretch left little left in my legs as I marched back to the water stop for the final stretch. Along the way I spotted Brian heading home, realizing he would be home before I reached the final water stop… I wish I were faster and tapering.

Along Main St the skies got grayer and the circling winds picked up. There was nothing left to do put push along to the finish, with the wind nudging runners along in places while occasionally pushing us back for a second. Finally 18+ miles of chasing the clouds away was done… except the clouds were still there, and we’re still waiting on a sunny day… or at least a windless day.

Boston Marathoners, 1 week of training left!
Providence Marathoners, 1 more long run before our taper!
Great Bay Half Marathoners, you’re done, congrats!

Week 13 – Tapering for some

Friday, April 4th, 2008

April ushers in the final month of the Winter Long Run Program. Yes, where approaching the end of another season. Many of the Halfs have come and gone, Boston runners start their taper, and Providence Marathoners are fast approaching their tapers. 

This week we do a slow, easy 14.8  mile run if you’re running Boston. It’s key to remember that your training is done, now you’re preparing for race day. There is no cramming for a marathon so pushing it now isn’t going to amount to much, except maybe an injury. Enjoy this run!

For those running Providence, we’ll need to tack on another 3 miles or so. This can be done late in the run with a loop around Quannapowitt or at the end of the run with a loop around Pine Banks. I’m thinking Quannapowitt but can be convinced otherwise. What do you think?

The rest of you have options. Follow the route and decide to loop back to Brueggers at Main St (~4.5 miles), at Wyoming (~7 miles), or at Main later in the run (~8 miles).

To help with spreading out the water stop supplies, one again ROLL CALL! Who’s in and for how far?

Week 13 – Water Stop Help Needed

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

This week’s run of 14.8 miles will likely need 3 people. I’m having trouble opening the map (could be a problem, Jim) so I can’t be certain of the locations. Volunteers will be needed either way.

Walt is promising for a very nice day weather-wise to be handing out gatorade and water.

Please respond if you think you can help.
