The second weekend in March, this year that means time to ‘spring ahead’, moving the clocks up an hour. For those of you who couldn’t wait to lace ‘em up and get out on the roads, this worked in your favor as 8AM at Brueggers came an hour sooner.
This week was a little different off the bat. The extra sleepy faces stumbled into Brueggers and congregated in the back of the store instead of the usual location in the front. Everyone was assessing their wardrobe choices. This was a “what to wear†week. With temperatures below freezing and a howling wind providing a wide range of windchills it was nearly impossible to gauge the perfect number of layers. Once that choice was finalized the routes were reviewed, 20 miles for most, 10 for a few, and with much prodding out the doors 14 runners went.
West Wyoming was the first test of our fortitude. A strong wind hit us square in the face for most of the first mile but nobody backed down. The lead pack (Barry, Judi, and Erin) pushed ahead and was out of sight by the time most of us hit Grimsby’s. The next pack (Brian, Ed, Walt and Andys Pate and Goldberg) moved ahead of Nick and I along Spot Pond. Another pack was very active at the zoo… all three wolves were on the prowl behind the fence as we passed by. The final pack with Tracy, JoAnn, Nancy, Sue, Joanne and Ed Morris kept close behind. At some point Ginny joined in on the run, I’m not sure when because she was dressed EXACTLY like JoAnn. The swirling winds buffeted us from every direction all the way to Winchester where we stopped for the first water stop. Lois and Mike joined in the run there bringing the total participation this week to 17 (unless I missed someone).
The second leg was through Winchester Highlands along Forest St and Highland Ave all the way to the end. Dubbed the “over the river and through the woods†section when we discovered that yesterday’s deluge caused bubbling brooks from the Winchester Reservoirs to become raging rivers through yards and basements of some homes. Icy streams crossed driveways and intersections searching out the nearest storm drain. This made for some fancy footwork and wet shoes along the way to Nick’s car and water stop 2.
Next up was a trip through Medford, making our way to the Mystic Lakes before circling back around to Winchester. Highlights included more wind, playing chicken with a train, and watching white caps on the lakes. Running along Mystic Valley Parkway is one of the best sections of this route, nice views, a quiet road, and some surprisingly windless sections put some spark back into our runners as they made their way over to Nancy’s car for water stop 3 at Winchester Middle School.
Some runners stopped here completing 10 miles, taking Nancy’s car back to Brueggers for her. For others we were only half way done. The route took us down Washington St, where I scouted out locations of restroom facilities. For future reference there is a nice, quiet bathroom in the basement of St Mary’s Church. Churches and Fire Stations: a runner’s best friend. Turning off Washington St we headed up the hills of Forest St. It was noted by many that this felt like the easiest run up these challenging hills ever! It could be we’re getting fitter, or it may have been the high winds pushing us back to Lois’ car for water stop 4.
With Mike stopping back at the water stop, Nick circling back around to his car, and Ginny turning off to head home, I headed off alone along the backside of Spot Pond, climbing the hills to Liz’s car and the last water stop of the day. With Liz and Lia doling out the Snickers and Gatorade, sugar fueled the push through the final hills on Fellsway East, and with the wind on West Wyoming now at our back, we were gently eased back to Brueggers to end a 20 mile run.
For those running Boston, congratulations on completing one of your two major training runs! This one took some concentration and fortitude to get through. The wind sapped our strength early and some upset stomachs affected our runs, making for a great run no matter what you did. We are all one step closer to your goal.
Now it’s time for a nap!
[Note: In two weeks we’ll be running on Saturday due to Easter Sunday. Plan accordingly]