Archive for March, 2008

Week 11 – Saturday Morning isn’t just for cartoons anymore

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

This week you’ll have to shut off your favorite Saturday Morning cartoons to join in on the Sunday Long Run. Many of us will be looking for eggs and jellybeans at the break of dawn Sunday, or watching a 6AM Red Sox exhibition game from Japan. So this week, due to Easter, we’re featuring the Saturday Long Run!

I just put up a new map for this distance, covering 17.8 miles and hitting Swains Pond, the Fellsway, and Breakheart. This will be our last trip to Breakheart before Boston. The route needs three water stops, at the corner of Main St and Winter St, at the Knoll across from the Middle School, and at the Saugus entrance at Breakheart. Ed will be organizing our volunteers on the existing thread.

Those looking to run less there are many opportunities to turn off of this route to make a 4.5, 7, or 8 mile run, or you can join in at the knoll for a 9 mile run, or just run the Breakheart section for 3. Don’t be shy, we like the company. So join us for the first long run of the Spring, despite the fact that the weather didn’t seem to get the memo about it being Spring.

People should note, since it’s Saturday both Brueggers and the roads will be more crowded. This means we’ll need to be more aware of how much space we’re taking up on both counts.

Roll Call! Who’s in?

Week 11 – Water Stop Support

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

This week’s run will take place on SATURDAY due to the Easter holiday on Sunday. It will be an 18 mile run requiring 3 or 4 water stops. Erin has graciously volunteered to help this week so I’ll be looking for at least 2 others. Post here if you can help, even if just for a limited amount of time

Any support is greatly appreciated.


Week 10 – The time is right for goin’ racin’ in the street

Sunday, March 16th, 2008

Most of our Sunday Long Run regulars were off elsewhere this morning racing. Many headed down to New Bedford to run Half Marathon, while others headed to shorter St Patrick’s day races in Somerville and Malden. This left very few behind to enjoy the dank but thankfully not windy day in Melrose.

In the Irish tradition today’s recap of the run will be short, sweet, and in the limerick format:

Here’s to our St Paddy’s long run
Only six people showed up for this one
Evan ran himself six
Walt’s ten were done sick
And the rest ran sixteen and were done

Nothing remarkable happened along the roads today. Brian, Pate, Tracy and myself comprised “the rest” that ran 16 miles. Walt provided a fine water stop in the Dunkin Donuts parking lot. Liz met us over in Saugus at Breakheart, having to sneak through the tight DCR security at a maple sugaring event. Thanks to both for helping our small group get through all those miles. Your assistance made 16 seem easy.

Note, next weekend is Easter. We’ll be running at 8AM from Brueggers still but ON SATURDAY. Don’t show up on Sunday, nobody will be there! Keep your eyes open for details on the route and the water stops through the week.

Week 10 – May the road rise up to meet you

Friday, March 14th, 2008

As we approach St Patrick’s Day and all things Irish, I’ve quoted a traditional Irish blessing for the theme of this week’s run. The run is a recovery run after reaching for 20 miles last week. In the spirit of  ‘the road rise up’ we’ll be passing through Breakheart again where some of the best rising roads around reside. And if you know the next line of this poem, you’ll know its something we could have used on the last two long runs.

The water stops are all planned. Walt will be manning stop 1,2, and 3. Luckily for him they are all in the same spot. Liz will be giving us a bonus stop on the Saugus side of Breakheart. Thanks in advance Walt and Liz.

Many people in our group will be heading down to New Bedford to run a Half on Sunday. Good Luck to all of you, all your hard work will be rewarded. Others in our group will be running local road races to celebrate the coming of Spring or the wearing of the green, may the Luck of the Irish be with you. This leads me to my next question, who’ll be at Brueggers at 8AM besides me? Roll Call time!

Week 10 – Water Stops

Thursday, March 13th, 2008

This week we can get away with one water stop, although a second would make things easier. Our full route gets divided up as follows:

Start at Brueggers
Main St & Nahant, Mile 3, water stop 1
Loop Lake Quanapowitt
Main St & Nahant, Mile 7, water stop 2
Nahant to Breakheart, loop, return Nahant
Main St & Nahant, Mile 13 miles, water stop 3
Back to Brueggers

So one water stop with lots of supplies can cover the run. A second stop in the Saugus parking lot of Breakheart would help though, as that leg is about 6 miles long without that stop.

Let’s see who’s available and then we’ll figure out the rest of the plan.