This week’s route will be a re-do of the rain soaked run from week 10, a long run we can handle with one water stop. Here’s the catch though… I don’t think I can make it, my son has a 9:00 baseball game. So post here if you’re in, so I know we have at least 2 people running, and post here if you can support the water stop.
I plan to run, but not the whole thing. I can do water support too.
I’m in for around 10-12 miles or so
Around 10+ for me this week, too.
Likewise, up for 10+.
I’m in for 10+ as well. I can also do a water stop.
in for the full 16
I cannot join you all this weekend. I was hoping to take care of the water stop for everyone but unfortunately I cannot. I hope everyone has a great run!
No problem Barry…I have the water stop stuff and will start and end there. I’ll be there by 8:30
I’m in for 16 -see you in the am!