2022 MRC Race Series

December 20th, 2021 No comments

I have begun the create the 2022 MRC Race Series schedule.

Over the past two years I added quite a few virtual races. Some were in far-away places and some were to support important causes.

In 2022 we will be going back to in-person races, COVID willing, and we will continue to support important causes.

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is working on a list of local races. Some of them have been added to the schedule you see on our web page currently.

The Great Stew Chase has not posted any information yet, but we have been told that the Super Sunday races will be happening in Kendall Square this year.

John’s Run 10K has been scheduled and you should be able to register.

Race Points

Last year I tried to even things up for everyone. I added many 5K races and made 5Ks worth 1 point and all other races worth 2 points. I was hoping more people would run more 5Ks and give our annual leaders a run for their money.

That didn’t really happen, so I’m going back to the old scoring system. There should be a few half-marathons on the schedule by the time I finalize the list. These will be worth 5 points.

If you have race ideas please send them to me by email and not a text, messenger, slack, snapchat, Twitter, etc. I make no guarantees that your race will be added, but any ideas would be very helpful.


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The Fun is Baked in!

July 13th, 2021 No comments

We seem to alternate between monsoon season and blast furnace season. Take your pick, which do you prefer?

I’ve added more races for August, September and October, based on suggestions from Yvonne Liu-Constant and Jessica Crispin.

I also added Yankee Homecoming 5K and Berna’s Great Legs 5K to have two series races on week day nights. Not everyone can run on the weekend.

Please continue to pass along race suggestions.

I try to keep them local, not too expensive and supportive of a good cause if possible. It doesn’t always work out that way. šŸ˜‰

And don’t forget, this year no race is worth more than two points. The top spot is still open to anyone who wants it.

While looking for races tonight, I noticed all the club shirts at the start line of all of these races. I know most of us don’t want to line up at the front, but we should be wearing club shirts at race series races.

I can’t tell you how many times people have walked up to me at a race and asked about the club. Sometimes these people even show up on Tuesday night!

Stay cool and sign up for a race!

Categories: Club Races Tags: