Home > Club Races > Top 5 Runners for the 2021 Race Series

Top 5 Runners for the 2021 Race Series

While things are getting back to normal, 2022 is still a bit of a hybrid year.

We are back to our Tuesday night runs and Sunday Long Runs and no masks required. But we did have to cancel our annual Holiday Party. With all of that I let this announcement slip a bit also.

Our top five runners for 2021 are:

  1. Yvonne Liu Constant with 20 points
  2. Regina Curran with 17 points
  3. Margot Dillon with 15 points
  4. Maria Cavero with 12 points
  5. Jackie Ecker with 11 points

2021 Racing Series Prizes

Over the past few years we have awarded jackets to the top two runners. But The Board realizes that many of us have a lot of running gear and a jacket or hat might not be something we really want or will use.

For 2021 we decided to give a credit to Squad Locker so that our top three runners can order what ever they want.

Prizes for 2021 are as follows:

1st Prize – $75
2nd Prize – $50
3rd Price $25

Congratulations to our top runners!

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