Home > Club Races > 2019 Race Series Spring Updates

2019 Race Series Spring Updates

Well, it is officially spring and we are one-quarter of the way through the 2019 series already.

If you haven’t joined us for a race yet I encourage you to join us! If you are new to the club this is a great way to try a race and hang out with your new friends!

This year we are using a point system. I briefly described this in a previous post. Here are more details. There are 13 races again this year and each race is worth points.

Each 5K is worth 1 point
Each 5 Miler, 10K or 15K is worth 2 points
Howling Wolf Half is worth 5 points

Running of the Leprechauns 2019, Melrose Running ClubMaximum points for the racing series are 21 and you need to earn at least 16 to get a prize.

If you start the series with the Not a Walk in The Park 5K in Saugus, you can get to 16 points.

One reason I added points this year is so you can join the series later in the year and still be in the running for the prize.

It also allows you to pick and choose which races you want to run to get to 16+ points. It can be done without running the Howling Wolf.

The Leader Board as of April 1st:

4 runners have 6 points
5 runners have 4 points
4 runners have 3 points
31 runners have 2 points
4 runners have 1 point

Super Sunday Race, Melrose Running Club48 club members have run at least one race and I think that is the most runners ever for a year.

Below is the race schedule. Some races have not posted dates yet, so there may be some changes. You can register for the races right from the Racing Series page.

And let me know if you need a ride!


2 1/27/2019 Sunday 15K Great Stew Chase
2 2/3/2019 Sunday Super Sunday 5 Miler
1 2/3/2019 Sunday Super Sunday 5K
1 3/17/2019 Sunday Running of The Leprechauns 5K
1 4/27/2019 Saturday Not a walk in the Park 5K
2 5/25/2019 Saturday Gold Star Run for Honor 10K
1 5/25/2019 Saturday Gold Star Run for Honor 5K
1 6/16/2019 Sunday Melrose Firefighters 5K
1 7/4/2019 Thursday Jennifer Tinney 5k, 5 Miler and 1 Miler
1 8/24/2018 Saturday Cure SMA 5K Run/Walk
2 9/21/2018 Saturday BCBS Island Run 5 Miler Trail Run
1 9/21/2018 Saturday BCBS Island Run 5K  Trail Run
1 8/14/2018 Wednesday Melrose Wakefield Health Stride for Healthy Communities
1 10/27/2018 Saturday Melrose 5K Spooky Sprint
5 11/4/2018 Sunday Howling Wolf Half
1 11/4/2018 Sunday Howling Wolf 6K
1 12/16/2018 Sunday Bill Rogers Jingle Bell 5K Run
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