
Archive for February, 2019

The 2019 Season begins!

February 18th, 2019 No comments

If you look at the Racing Series tab on the Melrose Running Club page, you will see that I have a schedule for 2019.

Some races have not posted details and some of them may not. As such the list and dates may change.

The Running of The Leprechauns just settled on March 17 in Medford this past week. They had problems getting a permit for the Malden Irish American Club.

Towns are getting tighter with race permits. Cambridge has really flipped from being runner friendly to pushing races out of town. Malden seems to be picking up the slack, but it appears there is a limit to their racing endurance.

2019 Schedule

Great Stew Chase 2019We had 22 runners at The Great Stew Chase and 31 at The Super Sunday Race event. For details on those races please click through to my blog.

We also had three people volunteer at The Super Sunday race. Volunteers are crucial to the operation of any running event. Many of you know the challenges of managing our two club races. Volunteers make it happen.

We had enough people on our team to qualify for a VIP tent which everyone seemed to enjoy. In the future we will try to get a team tent at any event that offers them.

Super Sunday 2019We do have a team for the Running of the Leprechauns. So far we are in second place and you know we can’t stand for that! Registration is still open so please join our team when you register, and earn your points.

The post race event will be inside and I’m not sure about team tents or tables.

As I mentioned above, the schedule is not written in stone.  Several races still only list 2018 information.

These races have dates and registration is open:

Not a Walk in The Park 5K – Saugus – April 27th

Gold Star Run 10K and 5K – Saugus – May 25th

Howling Wolf Half and 6K – Stoneham – October 27th

How will 2019 Work?

I’m sure that some of you are curious how you can win a jacket or another prize in the 2019 MRC Racing Series. In the past we counted each race as one point. Who ever ran the most races won.

As people missed races or got started late they began to loose sight of the prize. We all know the real prize is running and good health, but I digress.

The details are still being finalized but here are the basics.

A 5K will count for 1 point.

A 5 Miler, 10K or 15K will count for 2 points.

The Howling Wolf Half will count for 5 points.

Since the Howling Wolf is in October it will give people a chance to catch up and possibly win.

So as you sign up for races, keep the prize in mind and choose wisely!

I’m sure you have questions so let me know.

Run well my Friends,


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