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MRC Racing Series News

So what is going on with the 2017 Melrose Running Club Racing Series?

Melrose Firefighter’s 5K

The Melrose Firefighter’s 5K is coming up on June 18th. The race starts at 9:30 and will be held at the Melrose Common.

The club usually has a good turn out at this race and we are hoping that more of you will join the fun this year. Registration in open and you can use the link to the right to get to the registration page.

There is a kids race at 9:00 AM and a “Firefighter Zone” for kids 2-6. Kids love firefighters and all of their gear and equipment.

Jennifer Tinney Memorial 4th of July Races

This family event in Boxford has something for everyone. There is a 5 mile race, a 5K race, a 1 mile run and a 2.5 mile walk.

The 5 mile run and walk starts at 8:15. So you can get in a nice race and still be home in time for the BBQ. The 1 Mile Run starts at 8AM. The 1 Miler is popular with the kids and makes a good warm up run for parents running the 5K or 5 Miler.

Click the link above or to the right to register for this 4th of July race.

MRC Racing Series

Links to register for races for the rest of the year are active and listed to the right. The only exception is the “Run for All Ages” 5K. The race is still a few months away, but I’m confident that a registration link will be available later in the summer.

The Leader Board

Currently there are five runners who have participated in three races and twelve who have run two races. So far I have managed to run all of the races and I hope to continue my streak.

We are still deciding what the prize will be for our top participants. Only six people have run three or more races, so it may be something nice.

There are still plenty of races for you to move up on the leader board and secure your chance to win the big prize.

If you have not run a series race yet, there are 8 more races to go. You have plenty of time to join the leader board and claim your prize!

I’d like to thank everyone who has participated in our First Annual Racing Series. Everyone seems to be having a good time and some of us have run races we have never run before.

Run well My Friends,


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