
Archive for June, 2017

Running Melrose Firefighters 5K

June 22nd, 2017 No comments

Hot Town, Summer in the City

It was a little warm Sunday, but we had a fantastic turn out for the Melrose Firefighters 5K. A total of 344 runners finished the race and 36 of them were Melrose Running Club members!

I think that is out best turn out ever. We came within two people of being the largest team there and winning the grand prize: a flag made out of fire hose!

Check out Tim Gorman’s Facebook album for 136 photos, including one of this cool framed flag.

It was warm and when the sun came out it was even warmer. Garmin says it was 75F, but it felt more like 80F.  The race director advised runners to get enough fluids several times. This guy is a first responder, he knows all about this stuff.

Even with the heat, I felt very safe knowing there were so many EMTs and Paramedics around!

Melrose Running Club

Courtesy: Tim Gorman


Running Melrose Firefighters 5K

Melrose Firefighters 5K, Melrose Running ClubThey had a Melrose Police Woman sing  the National Anthem, which I thought was a nice touch.

The race was crowded at the start and for the first quarter mile. Even through the first half mile it was crowded but thinned out soon after that.

Everywhere you looked there was a purple singlet. I don’t think I ever was out of eye sight of one. At so many race when I look around I see huge groups from other clubs all wearing their shirts.

It was nice to see Melrose make a great showing at our local race.

We ran down Swains Pond Road and looped around the pond. Just after the turn we hit the one mile mark. There weren’t any mile markers for this race.

At about a mile and a quarter we took a right onto Lebanon Street. The road was open, but the police kept traffic on our side of the road to a minimum. I don’t recall having any close calls or issues with traffic for the entire race.

There were some small hills on Lebanon, but nothing major. As we passed Sylvan Street we hit the two mile mark.

Somewhere after this we had our water stop. I usually don’t stop for water during a 5K, but it was so hot that I had to.

I probably could have gotten by without a gulp of water. However, I find that under these conditions that little bit of water really helps in the last half mile.

Lebanon seemed to go on forever! Finally the turn onto Grove Street came into view. As we moved up Grove I started to notice some hill!

I was baked and my legs were getting fatigued. At this time I was glad that I grabbed that water!

As we moved up Grove I was looking for the last turn. Which street would we turn down?

Finally the turn onto Larabee Street came into view. They had a police car in the road protecting our turn and there were a few people cheering us on.

I knew it was a short run down Larabee, but I knew we were west of The Common. I began to wonder how they were going to wind us around.

We took a right onto First Street and ran past the fire station. This had a bit of an incline to it also. As I looked across the common I could see the finish on 6th Street.

As I made the corner I made one last push for the finish.

Melrose Runners Run Well

We had several runners place in their age group. But, they only awarded medals for first place in each age group.

Mike Sikkema won his age group with a time of 17:57. Mark Rosenblum won his age group with a time of 22:23 and Cynthia Berger won her age group with a time of 25:32.

Several others came in 2nd or third in their age group.

While it’s always nice to run well and win a medal or prize, that’s not what it’s about for most of us.

Tuesday night I had a conversation with someone about how our club is more of a social club. Many of us like to run hard and compete, but it really is about the running and friendships.

With less of an emphasis on competition, I think the Melrose Running Club is a friendlier place for new runners to get started and get support.

It was nice to see a few of our Walk to Run team at the race. I don’t think that happens often, especially before graduation.

One of the reasons I picked this race for our series is that I hoped it would attract some of our newest members. It looks like it did.

I hope everyone had fun and that you will join us for our next race. The Jennifer Tinney 4th of July 5K and 5 Miler.

Full Results

Run well My Friends!


Categories: Club Races Tags:

MRC Racing Series News

June 3rd, 2017 No comments

So what is going on with the 2017 Melrose Running Club Racing Series?

Melrose Firefighter’s 5K

The Melrose Firefighter’s 5K is coming up on June 18th. The race starts at 9:30 and will be held at the Melrose Common.

The club usually has a good turn out at this race and we are hoping that more of you will join the fun this year. Registration in open and you can use the link to the right to get to the registration page.

There is a kids race at 9:00 AM and a “Firefighter Zone” for kids 2-6. Kids love firefighters and all of their gear and equipment.

Jennifer Tinney Memorial 4th of July Races

This family event in Boxford has something for everyone. There is a 5 mile race, a 5K race, a 1 mile run and a 2.5 mile walk.

The 5 mile run and walk starts at 8:15. So you can get in a nice race and still be home in time for the BBQ. The 1 Mile Run starts at 8AM. The 1 Miler is popular with the kids and makes a good warm up run for parents running the 5K or 5 Miler.

Click the link above or to the right to register for this 4th of July race.

MRC Racing Series

Links to register for races for the rest of the year are active and listed to the right. The only exception is the “Run for All Ages” 5K. The race is still a few months away, but I’m confident that a registration link will be available later in the summer.

The Leader Board

Currently there are five runners who have participated in three races and twelve who have run two races. So far I have managed to run all of the races and I hope to continue my streak.

We are still deciding what the prize will be for our top participants. Only six people have run three or more races, so it may be something nice.

There are still plenty of races for you to move up on the leader board and secure your chance to win the big prize.

If you have not run a series race yet, there are 8 more races to go. You have plenty of time to join the leader board and claim your prize!

I’d like to thank everyone who has participated in our First Annual Racing Series. Everyone seems to be having a good time and some of us have run races we have never run before.

Run well My Friends,


Categories: Club Races Tags: